Navigating the Out-Of-Body Experience

Graham Nichols
– New Edition
Coming soon


Special Edition

Some research polls suggest that as many as one person in every four can
expect to find themselves outside their physical body, and wandering the
world like a ghost at some point in their life, without the inconvenience of dying in order to do so. The experience is sometimes thrilling, sometimes frightening, frequently fascinating, and almost always unexpected. For the vast majority, it is also unrepeatable.
And therein lies a major problem with what might be considered a potentially important phenomenon. Scientific investigators dislike unrepeatable evidence, which, by definition, does not lend itself to careful examination or laboratory experiment. As a result, the evidence itself is often ignored or dismissed as anecdotal. In the process, something of huge value may well be lost.
Enter Graham Nicholls. When Graham first discovered the out-of-body-experience (OOBE or OBE) as a boy, he was not content to treat it as a bolt from the blue, likely never to be repeated in his lifetime. Instead, he studied, observed, and practised until he could leave his body at will. This gave him, over the course of literally hundreds of OBEs, an opportunity to examine the phenomenon at depths unavailable to those who experience it only once, spontaneously.
In the process, he discovered there was more to the experience than met the eye. While, for many, an OBE involves no more than stepping out of the body and travelling the world in ghostly form, an OBE can also open doorways onto what appear to be different levels of reality, some of which are seemingly equivalent to the astral planes of esoteric tradition. It can also lead to changes in perception that produce a new and different understanding of the universe and can even generate the realization of unity reported by mystics down the ages. Interestingly, several of Graham’s experiences were confirmed by the results of my own (unpublished) experiments in this area.
Graham’s work eventually led to his first book, Avenues of the Human Spirit, which describes some of his experiences and presents his philosophical speculations about them. His current book goes further and in an even more exciting direction, for in it, he describes the techniques that can potentially enable you to take control of your own OBEs and, with diligent practice, develop the ability to leave your body at will.
There are a great many other books on OBEs and astral projection (as you will soon learn, the two are not exactly the same). A trawl of the Internet will quickly deliver scores of techniques that promise to place these fascinating experiences in your own hands. None of them—and I reluctantly place my own work in this category—can hold a candle to the book you have in your hands now. For here you have the fruits of vast personal experience, combining with penetrating intelligence, diligent observation, and a surprisingly sceptical scientific approach, to produce a work of immense value to both the psychical investigator and esoteric practitioner alike.
The key to this work lies in the final section, which describes, clearly and concisely, a multitude of methods you can use to generate an OBE. Some involve simple visualisations, like the great majority of other books on the subject, but Graham Nicholls was not content to stop there. His approaches can just as easily involve breath work, sonics, yoga, energy manipulation, even sensory deprivation techniques like Ganzfeld and the so-called “witch’s cradle.” His three-dimensional elaboration of the Hindu tattvas is one of the most interesting developments in the use of astral doorways since the days of the original Golden Dawn.
You may, if you wish, read the present book as no more than a fascinating account of one man’s unusual adventures, but you will gain much more from it if you are prepared to embark on some adventures of your own. I urge you to experiment with Nicholls’ methods for yourself, searching out those that work best for you. Your results may well be both life-changing and, much more importantly, life-enhancing.
J. H. (Herbie) Brennan
Co. Carlow, Ireland, March 2011

Quotes about me:
“One of the world’s leading experts on astral projection” – BBC

“Graham Nicholls has probably had more verified evidential out-of-body experiences than anyone” – David Watkinson,

“Graham Nicholls is the person who convinced me that my brain-located model of consciousness was restricted in that there is evidence that consciousness can perceive information outside of the confines of the brain-sensorium. Graham presents powerful evidence that we are more than just a brain-embedded entity.” – Anthony Peake, Author of The Out-of-Body Experience, and others.

Quotes about Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience
“There are a great many other methods for having out-of-body experiences and astral projection. A trawl of the Internet will quickly deliver scores of techniques that promise to place these fascinating experiences in your own hands. None of them — and I reluctantly place my own work in this category — can hold a candle to the book you have in your hands now.” – J. H. Brennan, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Nicholls [second book Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience] stands out as one of the best books on the subject” – Tom Campbell, NASA physicist, and author.
“A fascinating review of out-of-body experiences in a detailed, easy to read style. Nicholls’ valuable contribution [provides] excellent and practical direction to help explore this phenomenon.” – Dr. Jeffery Long, New York Times bestselling author of Evidence for the Afterlife

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