Dr Gerhard Wassermann

Shadow Matter & Psychic Phenomena
Dr Gerhard Wassermann
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1869928326
£15.00+p&p / US$24.00+p&p
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A scientist casts new light on psi-phenomena, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and ‘out of the body experiences’ in this book. He presents an exciting new theory which explains such phenomena, linking the recently discovered ‘Shadow Matter’ world of physics with parapsychology. The author builds on theories until now discussed only in academic journals, but the book is accessible to non-scientists. Shadow Matter & Psychic Phenomena also offers over 60 fascinating case histories of ‘psychic’ experience. Essential reading for scientists, occultists, and anyone interested in the paranormal.
‘Important insights from the formal scientific tradition’
– Society of Metaphysicians
‘The idea that some non-ordinary form of matter can explain psi is one I think may be worth following up, as you have done…Purely as phenomenology, your ideas may be very valuable.’
– Professor Brian D Josephson FRS (Nobel Laureate)
‘a stimulating attempt to provide a scientific and rigorous explanation of psi-phenomena.’
– David Lorimer in Network (newsletter of Scientific and Medical network)
‘I heartily recommend this book to all investigators of paranormal phenomena and also to other scientists who would like to read a carefully written summary of the evidence for such phenomena.’
– Ian Stevenson, (University of Virginia)
in Journal of Parapsychology
Praise for his earlier title
‘The idea that some non-ordinary form of matter can explain psi is one I think may be worth following up, as you have done…Purely as phenomenology, your ideas may be very valuable.’
– Professor Brian D Josephson FRS
(Nobel Laureate)
‘A stimulating attempt to provide a scientific and rigorous explanation of psi-phenomena.’
– David Lorimer in Network
(newsletter of Scientific and Medical network)
‘I heartily recommend this book to all investigators of paranormal phenomena and also to other scientists who would like to read a carefully written summary of the evidence for such phenomena.’
– Ian Stevenson, (University of Virginia)
in Journal of Parapsychology
A reader’s personal response is reproduced below:
‘Dear Dr. Wassermann,
Having read your book, “Consciousness and Near Death Experiences”, I wondered if you might be interested in my experience: I had a NDE, an OBE and was seen by a doctor in a different location, all at the same time.
Aged 28, in […] Hospital, I underwent extensive surgery to my spine. All went well but because of having to be immobilized for a long time, I became ill, with, I believe, a post operative thrombosis and also a urinary infection. I did not feel aware of being ill, although I was in pain and felt “hot and cold”. I found myself above the bed, looking down at someone in the bed – I did not at first recognise it as being me. I then thought how well the surgery had worked, because I could move about.
I floated to the other end of the ward, to see a lady, M[. . . ], who had had two hip replacements – this was a new operation in 1965, and I was concerned for her. I noticed that she had a white cotton seersucker nightgown, patterned with little bunches of roses: on her left sleeve was a price tag from Marks & Spencer’s, for 29/11 (old money); what troubled me was that the metal clip was still on the ticket, and I was afraid that M[…] might be hurt by the sharp clip. I tried to make her hear me, but could not do so. When I tried to touch her, to draw her attention, my hand went through her. I suddenly had the thought that I was out of my body – and probably either dead or to about to die, and I think I panicked slightly.
I felt suddenly comfortable, and found myself in a little boat, floating along a shaft of light that shone over water, towards what appeared to be an island, where the light had its origin. I could hear wonderful music. I felt no pain, no distress, and was feeling very peaceful. I met no one, but could hear singing. A sudden jerk brought me back above my bed, from where I could see myself and the young doctor who was looking after me, another doctor and some nurses. They had some machinery, and were about to put orangey yellow round things on my chest – there was an audible bang, and I was back in my body, looking up at my doctor, and asking why he had brought me back, as I was now in pain again.
Later, the doctor told me that he had been off duty, and in a public house with friends, when he had seen me, “Floating up above the optics, waving and saying “Bye, T[..], I’m going now”” He had left at once, hurried to the hospital, to my ward, where he asked after me. Told that no-one had heard a “peep out of her all night” he discovered that I was in fact “going now” – and had summoned the resuscitation unit.
What has interested me is that in all the reports that I have subsequently read of NDEs and OBEs, no one has been seen, by another person, while they were experiencing their NDE or OBE – in my case, the doctor was not even in the hospital when he became aware of me – and I was not aware that I had “contacted” him, although we had found much in common in the short time that we had known each other, so there was some friendly rapport. He stayed with me for many hours, after my resuscitation, arguing with me about literature, to stop me from “going away again” – he knew that I would stay to argue with him if he told me that Shelley wrote rubbish!
My first experience of any psychic phenomena was in the summer of 1938, before I was a year old (I was born [ . . .]) when I was in my cot by my mother’s bed, with a family party going on in the next room: I saw a lady and gentleman billow through the wall – I began to scream, because I already knew that people used doors, and while I could not explain, my mother must have realised that I was scared, because she brought a night light into the room, although it was summer and still light outside (she invariably put me to bed at 6pm, until I was six or seven years old). I continued to see and hear people “who were not really there”, but learned not to say anything about it, until, in my late 40s, I started to attend a Spiritualist Church, where my “gift” was recognised and I was not made to feel guilty – I now work as a “Medium”, although never for money or reward of any kind. I am sure that many people have psychic experiences, but, like me, they do not talk about such things because such things are considered to be either unhealthy or insane.
Finally, I would like to thank you for your book, which I find very interesting, fair-minded, and helpful. It is good to find that Science is catching up with a very ordinary human experience!
With sincere respects
S […]
PS I should have added that the price tag on M […]’s nightgown was confirmed as correct.’