Diana Kreikamp was born in the Netherlands. She is an esoteric practitioner and a fully initiated member of the esoteric school of the Western Mystery Tradition, the Servants of the Light. In her life she has been on a grand quest to find answers to the questions; who am I, where do I come from and why am I here in this present life. In her search she examined various religions and philosophies as well as spiritual, occult and mystic traditions. She engaged in the Western Mystery Tradition and took practical and theoretical teachings in the esoteric sciences.
Eventually, she discovered her own way and focused all her attention entirely on the Ancient Egyptian Tradition. She investigated the myths of the Egyptian Gods, the tombs, temples and the lives of the ancient Egyptians. The original texts, like the Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts and the Books of the Afterlife, are her main sources. She has studied hieroglyphs and made several trips to Egypt to examine the ancient sites, tombs and temples.
Diana has more than 30 years of experience with different meditation techniques, pathworking, trance and ritual work. In addition to her research, she used all of these techniques to explore the Knowledge of the Amduat. For a decade she meditated daily while focussing on the hundreds of Deities of the Amduat with the accompanying texts. This is where she discovered that the Amduat is in fact a spiritual system to transform your entire life in a very powerful and positive way. The fascinating experience of her journey through the Duat inspired her to share her knowledge in a book.
Her work as a visual artist is another aspect of her life. Her artwork consists of photographic drawings and portraits, realistic and free hand creations made in acrylic paint. She specialises in classic oil paintings while following the techniques of the old Masters of the Renaissance like Raphael, Michelangelo, Botticelli and Giotto.
As a psychic illustrator Diana creates Soul drawings with the help of a photograph of the person in question. With these drawings accompanied with a reading she offers a unique view into one’s inner soul and a better understanding of their potential.