Doreen Valiente

ISBN: 0 7091 4916 6
Modern first edition 1975 Robert Hale & Company
Condition: Good condition with dust jacket (jacket design by Lawrence Cutting), undamaged.
Magic is all around us. All we need is the ability to see and understand. This book tells how to practise the age-old white magic that village wise-women have used for centuries. It deals with the magic of herbs and flowers, of the four elements, of numbers and colours, amulets and talismans, how to read cards, how to interpret dreams, and much more. There are chapters on the secrets of sex-magic, and on the use of traditional spells. If you want to learn to charm warts, to cast a love spell, or to plant a magical garden, this book will tell you how. It will also instruct you how to protect yourself against black magic and the evil eye. An essentially practical treatise, which sets out to show how in this new age of Aquarius, magic can be for everyone; how, indeed, it has always been inherent in human life and nature.