A System of Informational Magic for Real and Virtual Worlds

As technology advances, it is only natural to find more effective ways to integrate it into magical practice. We now live in the so-called information age and have taken advantage of this fact. This book investigates the nature of information and reality, and how magic that is used to manipulate the former can cause changes in the latter. To seize control of one’s own fate is a subversive act, and the aim of this work is to provide a set of models and tools which facilitate this capability. A system of exercises and ritual structures are presented within this paradigm which will enable the practitioner to manifest their Will. Supporting concepts in information theory, computer science, artificial intelligence, semiotics, philosophy, and pop culture are also described as a framework in which to create a personal system of informational magic, or Phenomenal Sorcery.
Frequently known as Vargr23 among online and magical communities, Dave Smith has been studying and practising magic in various forms for nearly 40 years. His prior books include Quantum Sorcery and Voidworking. His articles and reviews have appeared in the journals Konton and Idunna, as well as on his website SpikeVision (www.spikevision.org).
He has pursued his lifelong passion for knowledge through work in a science library, an astronomical observatory, and as a database architect. In addition, he has also been a brewer, leatherworker, performance artist, and sideshow crewman. He graduated from Indiana State University in 1993.
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“Dave Smith, after laying down an extensive and comprehensive foundation for practicing magick in an Information Model, delivers an incredibly practical, useful and no-nonsense set of techniques and tools for doing magick! I highly recommend picking up this work and putting it into practice!” – Joshua Wetzel, author of The Paradigmal Pirate and Ill Thoughts, Ill Words, Ill Deeds: A Toxick Magick primer.
If you describe yourself as a Technopagan or Cybermage, you’ll find much interest in this book.
Dave Smith describes an approach to magic based on information theory, in language that will be especially familiar to computer programmers. The manipulation of information to cause change on a magical level.
He examines perceptions of the nature of reality, citing Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and postulating on various simulation theories, both real world and science fiction. Informational constructs and consensus reality are closely scrutinised and well-researched.
The concept of Information Magick is explained with some very interesting analogies. Though I’ve never personally embraced technology in my magic, this book has helped me to understand the approach and how the technological and natural worlds correlate.
The second half of the book flows smoothly from theory to technique. Smith provides an easy-to-follow explanation of the structure of spellcraft and how to apply various techniques, including sigils, and magic squares working with binary code.
Examples of using these techniques provide clarity for any magic user, whether the specific methods are familiar or not.
Despite the technological focus, this book is very accessible and I believe would be an asset to any magical library. – J. Reader