Shaara Corva
Edited by Cassandra Wolf & Jack Wolf
A Voice from the Thornwood
Shaara Corva
Edited by Cassandra Wolf & Jack Wolf
ISBN: 978-1-906958-91-6
Format: Softcover/£15.00/US$22.00
A Voice from the Thornwood / UK / £15.00
A Voice from the Thornwood / USA and Worldwide / US $22.00
So speaks Corva, a member of a secretive pagan society known as the Thornish tradition. In this compelling narrative, she recounts the story of how she came to the Thornish path and the lessons she learned as she approached her initiation into the Thornish way.
“What we do, we do for the sacred Earth and the Great Dark Mother. It is served not only through our acts in balance, but also in teaching what we know. If we are to save our most sacred and beautiful world and the life-connections, that our world holds with so many other realities, we need to further the education and awakening of as many worthies as we can. And to this act of reconnecting I will add my own voice.”