“This is the most erudite, interesting and beautifully produced commentary upon, and ritual use of, an ancient Egyptian text by a modern occultist that I have yet seen.”
-RONALD HUTTON, Professor of History, Bristol University, UK
434pp, large format hardback 8″x10″ (Royal Octavo)
isbn 978-1-914153-04-4 casebound – full colour images $55/£45
isbn 9781914153068 Softcover – standard colour $45/£35
isbn 978-1-914153-05-1 Softcover – monochrome images $35/£25
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The Egyptian Amduat, “Book of the Hidden Chamber”, is a fascinating text from ancient Egypt that describes the journey of the deceased. It tells of a twelve-hour long voyage beyond death through a mysterious realm known as the Duat. Every human being, embarking on this journey, will renew themselves to eventually rise from the dead.
In the decade the author worked on this text, she discovered that the journey, as described in the Amduat, is a voyage of Initiation. During the journey, the old consciousness, symbolised by the Sungod Râ, is dissolved and transformed into the birth and awakening of a renewed consciousness, which is symbolised by the God Khepri. The process is not limited to the post mortem state, for it occurs during life as well. Therefore, not only the deceased, but every living being on earth can embark on the voyage in question.
Today, the Amduat is still a system qualified to heighten our consciousness. The inner Sungod teaches us how to navigate safely and transform the psyche’s destructive forces into constructive powers. This life-changing magical journey is a wake-up call to allow us to see who we really are— divine beings— and to become reborn as our Greater Self.
The book, Amduat: The Great Awakening presents the entire Egyptian system in a unique and interesting blend of academic and esoteric knowledge, intertwined with the author’s personal experience of the system itself. It is also a practical workbook to teach the reader how to embark on the Sun barque, to make the inspiring voyage of inner awakening.
Some Reviews:
“Diana has spent over 10 years reading, absorbing, and seeking to understand the hidden teachings within the ancient writings of one of the Egyptian books of the Afterlife; The Egyptian Amduat. Yes, many books have been written about the journey afterlife, but Diana detected within the Amduat something rarely understood. That the Journey, as described in the Amduat, was not just a way to Passover into the Fields of Osiris…. But also a journey INTO LIFE, an awakening into the full awareness of the Higher Self, its powers, its ability to recognise and use the hidden side of that Self. This book is a very different and demanding presentation of an ancient teaching system. I am proud to promote it for I know how much time, effort and intent have gone into it.” – DOLORES ASHCROFT-NOWICKI founder of the Solar Light Video Club, retired Director of Studies of the Servants of the Light School and the author of over 30 books including The Shining Paths, Illuminations and The Guardians Albion Trilogy.
“This is the most erudite, interesting and beautifully produced commentary upon, and ritual use of, an ancient Egyptian text by a modern occultist that I have yet seen.” -RONALD HUTTON, Professor of History, Bristol University, UK, author of 18 books, including Britain’s Pagan Heritage, The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft, Physical Evidence for Ritual Acts, Sorcery and Witchcraft in Christian Britain: A Feeling for Magic and The Stations of the Sun: A history of the Ritual Year in Britain.
“For centuries, scholars have puzzled over an obscure hieroglyphic text dating from the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. Referred to as the Amduat, it seems, on the face of it, to be nothing more than the Sun God’s recurring journey through the dark hours of the night. But mystics and even some Egyptologists have long suspected there was more to it than that. And now, thanks to years of scholarly research work by author Diana Kreikamp, a secret has been revealed. The ancient story is not only a cypher for the post mortem journey of Egypt’s Pharaohs but also a sophisticated and deeply complex system of spiritual development. One of supreme importance to the present day. And now, everything you need to practise this extraordinary system is in your hands, backed up by Diana’s personal experience and illustrated by the author herself. This is your guide to an initiatory experience that has been lost for more than three millennia. This is your opportunity to walk the path of Egypt’s Kings.” – HERBIE BRENNAN is a lecturer, a professional writer and the author of 114 books including Death; the Great Mystery of life, Nectanebo and The Secret History of Ancient Egypt.
“Any student of the western esoteric tradition, theurgy, the work of the ancient Egyptian priesthood, or the process of initiation through the Mysteries would benefit from studying this book which presents a fusion of erudite scholarly research and illuminating interpretation of ancient initiatory lore. Symbols, terminology, and complex concepts are discussed by the author in-depth and with clarity of understanding. Diana Kreikamp has succeeded in bringing ancient, key, teachings to life in a way that will be practically useful to students in modern mystery schools.” – DR STEVEN CRITCHLEY, Director of Studies of the Servants of the Light School, wrote his PhD on Thomas Taylor the Platonist (1758-1835) and enjoys writing and teaching internationally.
“Diana Kreikamp has done something very difficult. She has unearthed symbols (and indeed energies) from the very depths of Khem and painted them up onto the walls of our everyday consciousness. Amduat: The Great Awakening shows us how to approach the Great Journey we all will have, and how marvellous it will be. The book is beautiful, packed with imagery that lies deeper than any pharaonic tomb. At every Hour of the journey through the Amduat, there is a new revelation of the sort that makes the reader cry: This is it! This is what I’ve been looking for! As a text, it is far above anything else written by any modern author. Quite simply it is brilliant.” – ALAN RICHARDSON, author of Priestess, The Magical Kabbalah, Al-Khemy, Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune and numerous novels in his local area, especially On Winsley Hill and co-author of The Inner Guide to Egypt.
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