
Scarlet Imprint

Scarlet Imprint, 2008. First Edition. Hardcover.

Condition: Mint condition.


159 pages. Limited edition with 814 copies printed, including a contributor copy. Tightly bound with secure hinges, the book features Devoted, a collection of fifteen essays by fourteen authors, exploring their devotional practices and direct experiences with the spirit world. Bound in the publisher’s vibrant yellow cloth, decorated with black titles.

Devoted is a compelling anthology of fifteen essays by fourteen writers. The essays delve into their devotional practices and lived experiences with the spirit world. Blending primal gnosis with poetic expression, these essays offer potent, actionable insights into magical practice.

This volume explores themes such as possession, bloodletting, fetishes, and sabbatic dance, providing a rich tapestry of spiritual experience. With in-depth essays on working with deities and spirits such as Babalon, Ishtar, Hecate, Lilith, Loki, Tiamat, Dionysos, the Yoginis, the Lwa, and the Spirits of Goetia, Devoted is a valuable resource for witches, magicians, heathens, thelemites, and sorcerers alike.

Edited by Alkistis Dimech and with an introduction by Peter Grey, the book features contributions from a diverse chorus of emerging and established practitioners, including Stephen Grasso, Peter Grey, Mogg Morgan, Jake Stratton-Kent, Richard Ward, Levannah Morgan, Ruby Sara, David Blank, Mark Smith, Charlotte Rodgers, Mordant Carnival, and Tony Elliott.


The Dionysian Spirit


Sean Fitton

The Dionysian Spirit
Sean Fitton
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-65-7
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Ancient Greece/
Greek Mysteries/Myths/Magic/Paganism/Spirituality.

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Click Here for The Dionysian Spirit / UK

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Dionysos is an obscure Greek god of wine and theatre for many people. For others, he is so much more.

The Dionysian Spirit examines the essence of what Dionysos is all about, both as a deity and as a cultural and social force. It looks at the relation of Dionysos with his opposite number Apollo. The twin gifts of Apollo and Dionysos are ekstasis (ecstasy) and entheos (enthusiasm) and have informed and enlivened our lives and cultures from ancient times right to the present day and beyond.

The Dionysian Spirit – like the art of a good party – has always been with us and now, in many ways, we need it more than ever.

Contents: Devotional to Dionysos / The Visualisation / The Myths of Dionysos / Dionysian Heroes / Dionysos Around the World / Dionysos Across The Millenium / Dionysos Goes Forth