Side Stories
A D Harvey
ISBN 9781906958-930, 255pp, hardcover
£16.99+p&p / $25.00+p&p
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Collected here for the first time, are the masterly short stories of A D Harvey, many of them erotic, some of them distinctly odd, and a couple downright lewd. Linked together they, like a novel, shed light on one of the less conventional scholarly careers of recent times.
In 2013 more than eighty Internet sites round the world took up the story of A.D.Harvey’s literary spoofs following his outing in The Times Literary Supplement, thereby further outraging an academic establishment which had had it in for him ever since he had broken ranks by obtaining a Ph.D. at Cambridge only six years after sitting his A-levels. The author of eight scholarly monographs, numerous articles in academic quarterlies, three novels and a slim volume of verse, A.D.Harvey is (despite occasional spoofs) a serious if sometimes idiosyncratic writer and his gift for style, cogency and psychological insight is demonstrated by a collection of his short stories and other pieces now published under the title Side Stories by Mandrake of Oxford.
A.D.Harvey is a historian and literary scholar whose work has been translated into French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish and also the author of three novels, including Warriors of the Rainbow (2000), described by The Guardian as ‘weirdly compelling’ and by The Times as ‘intriguing….both awe-inspiring and,frankly, potty’. His short stories, many of them erotic, some of them distinctly odd, and a couple downright lewd, are collected here for the first time, together with half a dozen other pieces that shed light on one of the less conventional scholarly careers of recent times.Also included: A D Harvey’s nordic noir Mind-Sprung