Natural Meditation: A Secret school of Tantra Sadhana
Michael E. Salihovich
Format: Softcover/172 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-914153-18-1
Subjects: Tantra, Yoga, Meditation
Natural Meditation: A Secret school of Tantra Sadhana
Michael E. Salihovich
Format: Softcover/172 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-914153-18-1
Subjects: Tantra, Yoga, Meditation
Tantra for Westerners
A Practical Guide to The Way of Action
Francis X. King
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-869928-60-5
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Tantra/Tantrism.
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Tantra has been defined as “a mystical philosophy” and as “an unorthodox religious tendency”. Both definitions are incomplete.
While Tantra has mystical, philosophical and religious aspects it is, above all, a technique of action – a system of physical, mental and spiritual discipline incorporating meditation, yoga, and sacramental worship in the widest sense of the phrase. This system has one purpose: the transformation of the individual – his or her rebirth to a new existence.
There is no “tantric faith” to be accepted or rejected on the bases of thought and emotion. tantrics make the same claim as Western magicians: “if you follow a certain course of action you will be led back to the roots of your own identity and will learn the truth about yourself and the universe you inhabit.”
Tantra For Westerners is a complete theoretical and practical guide to the Way of Action, covering the concepts of pleasure and pain, power and passivity, esoteric physiology, Tantra and Qabalism, right-hand and left-hand Tantra, tantric ritual for westerners and the arousal of Kundalini – the serpent power.
Francis X King (1934-1994) was a well known authority on magick, mysticism and religion. His books includes Ritual Magic in England and The Magical World of Aleister Crowley.
Judith Page’s cover painting, title ‘Tristan’ 20″ x 24″ oil on canvas. It shows the Goddess Tsun’kie k’sai, a Burmese deity. The cat is a Burmese, sacred cat of Burma.