Tarona Hawkins (with Howard Rodway)
ISBN 9781906958145
Kindle edition only at the moment
Four years ago when I was discussing the subject of natural healing with practising witch Dr Tarona Hawkins, she mentioned during our conversation that she had notes, files and first draft chapters prepared about her psychic readings, counselling, past life regression work, magickal treatments and herbal remedies, all relating to clients’ sexual problems
Tarona Hawkins added that her reputation as a sex witch had gathered such momentum that most of her time was now occupied with sex counselling.
This volume is the end result of accepting Tarona’s invitation to transform her records and her knowledge into A WITCH’S GUIDE to SEX & GOOD RELATIONSHIPS.
Within this book, you will find covered an incredible variety of sex and sex-related subjects, for example, sex magick, sex massage, adult babies, fetishism, demonic sexual encounters, group sex, homosexuality, anal sex, sadomasochism, transvestism, transsexualism, sex feeders, sex for the elderly, impotence, penis enlargement, male hygiene, menstruation, past life traumas, the human sexual aura, sexual handwriting characteristics together with other sex-related subjects. Pseudonyms have been used throughout to preserve confidentiality and privacy.
To all those who read this book; individual members of the public, those with sexual problems, sex counsellors, and of course the occult community, it is hoped that you will gain new insights into the unusually varied spectrum of human sexual behaviour.