Get The Rupture & The Polyverse for only £12.99 / UK
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Beneath The Pleasure Zones – The Rupture and Beneath The Pleasure Zones – The Polyverse are extensions of Paul Green first novel The Qliphoth in that they share the same protagonist Lucas, whose youthful dabblings have released the Qliphothic forces of chaos and fractured the reality of everyday Britain. But both Pleasure Zones books can be read independently. In The Rupture, an oligarch builds a cybernetic virtual reality complex on an ancient site in the middle of a rural neo-pagan community of warlocks, who are also besieged by fundamentalist militias. As a consequence, inThe Polyverse the Lobe (aka the internet) generates its own demonic entities, the prankster Quantum Brothers, who create further ordeals for Lucas and the two women in his life Viv and Carla. There’s apocalyptic destruction but also a glimmer of hope…