Journal for the Academic Study of Magic 5

Format: Softcover

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JSM5: Contents
Flavius Josephus’ Terminology of Magic: Accommodating
Jewish Magic to a Roman Audience, / Philip Jewell

The Role of Grimoires in the Conjure Tradition / Dan Harms

Hermetic/Cabalistic Ritual in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus /
Dana Winters

Italian Cunning Craft: Some Preliminary Observations / Sabina Magliocco

Walking The Tightrope: A Study Of Secret Astrologers In Mainstream
Professions / J.A. Silver Frost

Martyrs, Magic, and Christian Conversion / Patrick Maille

“Worshiping the Devil in the Name of God ”Anti-Semitism,
Theosophy and Christianity in the Occult Doctrines of Pekka Siitoin /
Kennet Granholm

“The Witching Hour: Sex Magic in 1950s Australia” / Marguerite Johnson






Record of a Magical Year

By Miryamdevi & Minanath


$24.00 / £15.00

Click Here for NakedTantra / USA

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There are many books on how to do magick, but not so many with stories about actually doing it and what happens. NakedTantra lays bare the inner states of the two brave souls involved in this extended magical work.

An experiment, two people, two countries, one mind, experimenting in tantra meta-magick, cosmic astral travel to the land of no boundaries, looking for the doors of perception.

Of necessity, the contents of this grimoire might be considered erotic. And, with that thought in mind, it might also be that the reader is occasionally aroused by our story as it progresses. Some might find this an unwanted intrusion, into what is otherwise an exploration of a magical world. Others we surmise will take this in good part, accepting that, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. To those who do not share these sensibilities, and are unmoved by what you are about to read, we offer our sincerest apologies.

Sexual Magick


Secrets of Sexual Gnosis in Western Magick
Katon Shual

Sexual Magick
Secrets of Sexual Gnosis in Western Magick
Katon Shual
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-48-0
£15.00 / US $24.00
Subjects: Sexual Magick/Aleister Crowley/Thelema/Tantra

Sexual Magick / UK / £15.00

Sexual Magick / USA & AUS / US$24.00

Click here for Kindle UK Edition

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Sexuality is one of the keys to magick. In this book, first published in 1988, Katon Shual presents some of the secrets of sexual gnosis within  western magick – a system that is often misunderstood. The book begins with a look at the revival of sexual magick in the early part of the 20th century, especially within the ranks of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and some of the post Golden Dawn magical groups such as Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic cult. The book goes on the look at the modern fusion of western Hermetic and eastern Tantrik sexual gnosticism. On the way it discusses in a progressive manner gay, straight and solitary sexual magick. The book goes on to introduce the ancient deity Seth as an archetype of the sexual magician. The book includes an unpublished grimoire of sexual magick, as well as several other unusual sources, including an authoritative exploration of the chakra system, a magical approach to Kundalini and an introduction to the relationship between the sacred sexuality and the external landscape.

‘Makes the subject of sexual magick accessible and lucid and above all relevant to contemporary magical practice’
– Phil Hine reviewing in Talking Stick magazine

body magick cover art and insides by Michael R Goss