Beneath The Pleasure Zones
The Rupture
Paul Green
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-58-9 (ebook 978-1-906958-51-0)
Subjects: Fiction/Science-Fiction/Cyberpunk.
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In The Rupture, an oligarch builds a cybernetic virtual reality complex on an ancient site in the middle of a rural neo-pagan community of warlocks, who are also besieged by fundamentalist militias. As a consequence, in The Polyverse the Lobe (aka the internet) generates its own demonic entities, the prankster Quantum Brothers, who create further ordeals for Lucas and the two women in his life Viv and Carla. There’s apocalyptic destruction but also a glimmer of hope…
When Lucas Beardsley blundered into the Qliphothic Forces of the Polyverse, Britain’s reality-consensus was drastically disrupted. Everyday causality was never quite the same again…
Now Londoners escape into the virtual-reality thrills of Pleasure Centres plc, while Borderland villages embrace an eclectic neo-paganism. Meanwhile Fundamentalist militias – Mo-Boys and Heavy Shepherds – battle for overall control.
In the Borderlands, Lucas works desperate magicks to win back his ex-lover Carla. In London traumatised computer wizard Dr Crowe seeks work with Pleasure Centres. For Lombard, CEO of Pleasure Centres, has a manic plan to restore the status quo by using Crowe’s cyber-skills to manipulate the ancient forces of the Borderlands.
‘A profound knowledge of the byways of pagan and magical thinking is integrated with an awareness both of current political trends and new technologies.’
– Tim Pendry
This first volume of Paul Green’s new fiction sequence ends with a bizarre and terrifying climax that defines the world of the sequel –
Paul Green’s other work includes the novel The Qliphoth and the poetry collection The Gestaltbunker. His dramas, which have been broadcast on BBC Radio 3, CBC Radio, RTE Ireland and Resonance FM, have been collected in Babalon and Other Plays – the title piece being his evocation of occult rocket scientist Jack Parsons. Based in Hastings, he has performed at numerous esoteric and literary events.
He is not to be confused with the esteemed psychic biker of the same name, whose fascinating book is also published by Mandrake.