Rainbow Bridge

The Shakta Tantrika of the Uttarakaulas

John Power

The Rainbow Bridge – The Shakta Tantrika of the Uttarakaulas

John Power

ISBN: 978-0-9542286-3-7

£15.00+p&p / $24.00+p&p

Click HERE for UK edition

Click HERE for USA & AUS

John was a student of Tantrik guru Dadaji Mahendranath [1911-91] in a correspondence that lasted from 1971 to 1991 and with occasional meetings. The last few years were difficult after Dadaji suffered strokes that affected his memory and ability to write with joined up lettering.

Dadaji was a Londoner by birth, whose maternal family included hereditary witches, and after meeting Aleister Crowley in his final years, when he was translating Chinese Taoist texts, he advised Dadaji to travel East if he wished to discover the pinnacle of mystical practices. At length, after interceding war activity, he did just that, via Australia to the far East, before settling in Gujarat, India. In so doing he did indeed bridge the range of Eastern and Western philosophies. It was in respect of this that he first borrowed the Norse image of the Rainbow Bridge when seeking to create a fusion of Eastern and Western practices.

The two main streams of activity that Dadaji was most keen to see made available to westerners came from the two main initiations he received in India: The Adi Nath lineage from Matsyendranath and the Uttarakaula Tantrik tradition of North India. 

The former emerged as the Arcane Magical Order of the Knights of Shambala, AMOOKOS; the latter as the Fellowship of Uttara Circles of Kaulas, which he asked John to organise for him. Most of the contents of this book are the collected essays created as guidance for those taking initiation in the group, and others with interest.

Otherwise, John has worked as an Art teacher and therapist in schools, colleges and prisons, having achieved his Masters Degree in Jungian Psychology and Art Therapy from London University in 1982. Some of his paintings illustrate this volume.

Gregory Peters is a writer and researcher who has written about Tantra, non-duality, and the intersection of East-West spiritual practices. He is an initiate of Adinatha and Uttara Kaula lineages of tantrika, as well as Dzogchen and western esoteric orders. His latest book was the Magickal Union of East & West from Llewellyn Publications.

Rose Absolute

A 5ml bottle of Pure Rose Absolute £10.00, contains 10% essential oil in a 5ml dilution of organic grapeseed oil.”

“…the Rose is the Absolute Self-Sacrifice, the merging of all in the O (negative), the Universal Principle of generation through change (not merely the feminine), and the Universal Light ‘khabs’. (Aleister Crowley, The Confessions p. 192)

Rosa Damascena

One of the scents that are closely associated with the divine feminine is that of the rose.

Rosa damascena is a type of shrub that can grow up to 2 metres high and has pink, fragrant flowers and grey-green leaves. It is mainly grown in Bulgaria, Turkey, and France and is one of three subspecies that are distilled for their perfume, alongside Rosa gallica and Rosa centifolia.

The Rose has such a beautiful and captivating scent, no wonder it’s considered one of the most powerful healing tools. Its frequency vibrates at 320 MHz, the highest frequency of all living and substantial things that we can experience with our senses. It’s amazing to think that something as simple as smelling a Rose can have such a profound effect on our well-being and bring us closer to feelings of love and healing.

*All oils in the Aromagick series are non-refundable and cannot be returned.

Rosicrucian Chess of The Golden Dawn


Enochian Chess Series Vol. I
Steve Nichols

Khemetic Enochian ChessRosicrucian Chess of The Golden Dawn
Enochian Chess Series Vol.I
Steve Nichols
– over 200 illustrations many in colour.
ISBN: 978-1-906958-78-7
US$39.99 / UK£30.00

Click Here for Rosicrucian Chess of The Golden Dawn / USA & Elsewhere

Click Here for Rosicrucian Chess of The Golden Dawn / UK

Buy the Enochian Chess set (all three books) for only £75.00 free postage / UK

Buy the Enochian Chess set (all three books) for only $100.00 free postage /USA (Elsewhere write for details)

This is the first in a trio of books that together form The Complete Enochian Chess. Enochian Chess in part comes from the Elizabethan system of Enochian Magic originated by the Court Astrologer, Dr John Dee. It was developed into its current form in Victorian times by SL MacGregor Mathers and William Wynn Westcott. This book includes a complete facsimile and commentary of Moina Mathers’s Alpha et Omega Enochian Chess papers together with a brief history of the game, notes on play and strategy, and instructions for Active divinatory methods utilised by this system. Notes and illustrations by Ithell Colquhoun (some previously unpublished) help explain this advanced and complete system of magick in its own right.

Originally it was only taught to Golden Dawn initiates who had risen to the rank of Zelator Adeptus Minor, and required a comprehensive knowledge of Tarot, Geomancy, Kabbalah, various magical formulae, the symbolism of the Candidate, the Ceremony of the Neophyte Grade, working knowledge of the art of Invocation and Banishing, Pentagram and Hexagram rituals, formation of Telesmatic Images, Sigils, and knowledge of the Enochian Tablets. Enochian Chess subsumes other Passive systems of divination such as tarot and astrology, and has powerful prophetic properties.

Steve Nichols’ fully featured Windows ENOCHIAN CHESS SOFTWARE for one to four players can be downloaded by using the coupon code instructions inside together with evidence of purchase. The PC software makes this advanced and complex game immediately playable.



Steve Nichols was the first to publish Enochian Chess sets in 1982 with support from Israel Regardie and others. Steve has given many demonstrations, readings and lectures about the game over the decades. This book includes new revelations about the Golden Dawn invention of Enochian Chess, with a particular spotlight on important Eastern occult sources previously hidden.


Sacred Mountains


Stories of The Mystic Mountains
An Anthology
Michael Berman

Sacred Mountains
Stories of The Mystic Mountains
An Anthology
Michael Berman
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 9781906958220
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Shamanism/Mysticism/Spirituality/Myths & Legends.

Click HERE for Sacred Mountains / USA

Click HERE for Sacred Mountains /UK

On the mountains of truth, you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

What mountains mean to me: in one word, awe-inspiring. Although we can measure them, our minds are incapable of actually grasping the very small or the very large things in nature: neither atomic particles nor astronomical distances. How big is a mountain, how much does it weigh? Our limited minds can only cope with subjective assessments such as how difficult is it to climb, how dangerous would an avalanche be? So the feelings it produces are awe, a little fear, and possibly exhilaration if and when we think that we have conquered the mountain – but in reality we never can.
~ Professor David Hunt

All the stories presented in this collection contain shamanic elements, so the obvious starting point is to explain what is meant by this. The term ‘shaman’ is a controversial one. Initially employed by early anthropologists to refer to a specific category of magical practitioners from Siberia, the term is now widely used to denote similar practitioners from a variety of cultures around the world. This application of an originally culture-specific term to a more general usage has caused problems with regard to definition, with disagreements among scholars over whether certain features, such as soul flight or possession, or certain types of altered states of consciousness, should or should not be listed among the core characteristics of shamanism.
(Wilby, 2011, p.252.)

What are Mountains for you?
Soul Captivation on White Bone Mountain
The Magic Brush and the Golden Mountain
The Legend of Amirani
The Story of Jumping Mouse
The Children of Hamelin: A Shamanic Journey into Mount Poppenberg
The Crystal Clear Waters of Mount Elbruz
The Vision Quest, Mount Sinai, and a Dream Fulfilled
Mount Ararat
Mount Koya-san, the Hermit’s Cave, and Fujiyama
Sacred Towers
The Fool on the Hill and the Book of Mysteries
The Tobacco of Harisaboqued
The Princess of the Tower

The Baal Shem Tov –
Rabbi, Religious Formulator or Shaman?

cover photograph by Joe Page shows Rennes Le Château seen from castle of Rennes Les Bains.

Launch 17th of January 2012 at the Georgian Embassy the author will talk about this book and give a reading. Starting promptly at 7.30 pm. The event is free and Georgian wine will be served at no cost too. The address is 4 Russell Gardens, West Kensington, London W14 8EZ. The hall holds about 60 people and we are hoping for a full house.

Arts & Culture, Folklore, Myths & Legends, Food & Drink.


Tbilisi Opera & Ballet Theatre


Georgia Cradle of Wine


Authentic Georgian Restaurant,
122 Boundary Road, St John’s Wood,
London NW8 0RH, UK.


Secret Gospel of Mark


Morton Smith, Clement of Alexandria
and four decades of academic burlesque
Robert Conner

The Secret Gospel of Mark
Morton Smith, Clement of Alexandria
and four decades of academic burlesque
Robert Conner
Format: Softcover/160 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-906958-68-8
£15.00+p&p / US $24.00+p&p
Subjects: Religious Studies/Spirituality

Click HERE for USA 

Click HERE for the UK Edition

Click here for Kindle Edition

While cataloguing material in the library of the monastery of Mar Saba in 1958, Morton Smith discovered a quotation from a letter of Clement of Alexandria copied in the end pages of a 17th-century collection of the letters of Ignatius. After more than a decade of a collaborative analysis of the find, Smith published his conclusions in 1973, setting off a firestorm of controversy in the New Testament studies guild.

In 1975, a Jesuit scholar, Quentin Quesnell, claimed the letter had been forged and implied that Smith was the forger, moving the focus of debate off the text itself and onto Smith. Since then the pages containing the letter have been removed from the book and possibly destroyed, while Catholic and evangelical writers, none of whom have ever seen the pages in question, continue to claim that Smith forged the letter.

Following his death in 1991, accusations against Smith took on a considerably more personal tone, highlighting his alleged homosexuality and by implication his dishonesty and moral perversity. Although the question of authenticity remains unresolved, the controversy has opened a window on the intellectually corrupt nature of apologetic New Testament studies, a subject of greater importance than the authenticity of early Christian texts.


Secrets of Asgard

An instruction in esoteric Rune wisdom
Vincent Ongkowidjojo

Secrets of Asgard
An instruction in esoteric Rune wisdom
Vincent Ongkowidjojo
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-31-2
£14.99 / US$24.00
Subjects: Northern Tradition/Runes/Odinism.

For UK Orders Click here

For USA & AUS Orders Click here

Foreword by Freya Aswynn

It is with great pleasure that I introduce this extraordinary book. A work of scholarship and intuition Vincent digs deep in the Well. The first part of the book is taken up with a discussion about the origins of Runes and the Celtic connection, very interesting.

Secrets of Asgard is aptly named as in this book Vincent forges new connections with Runes to reveal a multidimensional web of correspondences between other schools of thought partaking of the perennial Wisdom Tradition. Expanding the Runic meanings and offering a deeper layer of Rune might than ever before.

Like me, this author’s native language is Flemish/Dutch and so plugging into the unconscious more linguistic aspects are uncovered and discussed proving fascinating new insights into the Runes: lots and lots of new stuff, subtle seemingly little things so small that no one me included actually took the time to look at!

Vincent brings in a lot more of the natural world, as in his section on Berkana. It is clear that this monumental Work contains a wealth of scholarship as well as insights, especially in the practical applications of Runes.

Vincent interprets the 3 aettir in a sociological context according to Dumezil, however, he allows for evolution from thrall to Jarl within an initiatic concept; he also recognized a correspondence with the astrological crosses, something I had overlooked, I can honestly say that Vincent has taken the whole kit and caboodle to a new level.

Correlations with the writings of Alice Bailey are discovered and discussed. This book will appeal to Runesters and Heathens who cultivate an open mind and wish to go beyond religion into the Initiatic Mysteries of the Runes and the Gods.

About the Gods as well as their Runes, Vincent offers some very interesting differing and sometimes radically opposing views to my own, solidly backed up by an alternative look, lore and his own intuition. Invocations and instructions for successful Rune magick are a large and rich resource. This book has something for everyone, sound lore and deep magick. This excellent work shows a deep and powerful occult current as well as keeping true to the tradition. Fine scholarship and impeccable integrity breathe through this work.

May it open many doors in the minds of those who wish to explore beneath and beyond exoteric heathenry.

Freya Aswynn

Part one focusses centres on the meaning of the individual runes and the myths, explaining the Aettir alongside Northern mythology. It describes each of the gods as well as the Nine Worlds etc. The second part centres on the application of the system, namely magic and divination and include rituals and exercises.

A thesis of practical rune magic is developed which is based on the Havamal 144 stanza. The analysis concludes that the Runes were traditionally regarded as actual spirits. The stanza explains how to make your own set as well as other talismanic objects. The practice of galdr-singing is discussed in more depth to complement the Havamal 144 techniques. Then, a discourse is given on the most common Ancient Germanic magical formulae. They complement the practical work on talismanic objects.

A separate chapter is given on divinatory practices. Useful information on dreamwork is added and numerous other exercises are used to make contact with the subconscious mind through auto-suggestion, and many other useful ritual techniques and practices.

Visit Vincent Ongkowidjojo’s website for the latest updates on talks, courses and workshops in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Secrets of the Sex Witch

Tarona Hawkins (with Howard Rodway)

ISBN 9781906958145

Kindle edition only at the moment

UK Kindle edition

USA Kindle edition

Four years ago when I was discussing the subject of natural healing with practising witch Dr Tarona Hawkins, she mentioned during our conversation that she had notes, files and first draft chapters prepared about her psychic readings, counselling, past life regression work, magickal treatments and herbal remedies, all relating to clients’ sexual problems

Tarona Hawkins added that her reputation as a sex witch had gathered such momentum that most of her time was now occupied with sex counselling.

This volume is the end result of accepting Tarona’s invitation to transform her records and her knowledge into A WITCH’S GUIDE to SEX & GOOD RELATIONSHIPS.

Within this book, you will find covered an incredible variety of sex and sex-related subjects, for example, sex magick, sex massage, adult babies, fetishism, demonic sexual encounters, group sex, homosexuality, anal sex, sadomasochism, transvestism, transsexualism, sex feeders, sex for the elderly, impotence, penis enlargement, male hygiene, menstruation, past life traumas, the human sexual aura, sexual handwriting characteristics together with other sex-related subjects. Pseudonyms have been used throughout to preserve confidentiality and privacy.

To all those who read this book; individual members of the public, those with sexual problems, sex counsellors, and of course the occult community, it is hoped that you will gain new insights into the unusually varied spectrum of human sexual behaviour.



Shaking, Swaying and Serpent Mysteries
(was Techniques of Obsession)
Jan Fries


Shaking, Swaying & Serpent Mysteries
Jan Fries
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1869928369
Subjects: Northern Tradition/Odinism/Runes/Shamanism.

Buy Seidways UK

Buy Seidways USA & rest

Click here for Kindle

From the author of Helrunar – manual of rune magick and Visual Magick, a handbook of freestyle shamanism, come the definative study of magical trance and possession techniques. The author is inspired by the Nordic tradition of Seidr, said to have been taught to the human race by Odin. The book provides an extensive survey of the manifestation of this powerful technique through several related magical traditions – shamanisn, mesmerism, draconian cults and the nightside of European paganism.

Seething is probably the most useful magical technique I have ever learned. I first was taken by the pleasure of it. My body felt warm and sensual, and seething in the hips felt quite sexual. I liked the feeling of my body taking over where the shaking was first voluntary – but I could still have some control, making the shaking stronger or more subtle. After a while I started to see visions – something that very rarely happens to me. I could see (with my physical eyes, not astrally!) the surface of the land in the centre of the circle rippling, like waves of energy. It was a really moving experience in a site that – until then – had not been particularly ‘special’ to me… it ..has had a major impact upon my magical work which used to be largely indoors, as at last I have found a way that I can work outdoors. This gives my magical work a potency that it simply didn’t have before. – Shantidevi quoted in chapter twelve ‘Rhythms and the Mind’


-‘Very highly recommended’ – The Cauldron

‘Jan Fries shows himself to be one of the most innovative and creative of contemporary magical authors. This is the best book on practical magick that I have seen for some time… an extremely useful body of techniques which any practically-minded magician will be able to use. Beautifully illustrated…Mandrake should be applauded for producing yet another fine book of modern magical practice and thought. Buy it, you won’t be disappointed!’
– Phil Hine in Chaos International 22

‘The text is always interesting to read no matter where you start from. With such a broad spectrum of content, Seidways is suited to anyone studying shamanism for the first time, and wants to avoid a pile of new-age crap. It’s also a great all-rounder for anyone with a general interest in European mythology. Seidways will become one of the more thumbed books in my collection, and I am sure the collection of anyone else who buys it.’
– Sant reviewing in White Dragon

Seth & The Two Ways


Ways of seeing the demon god of Egypt
Mogg Morgan

Seth & The Two Ways
Ways of seeing the demon god of Egypt
Mogg Morgan
Format: Softcover/illustrated/many in colour.
ISBN: 9781906958831
Subjects: Ancient Egypt/Egyptian Magick

Click HERE for Seth & The Two Ways / UK / £18

Click HERE for Seth & The Two Ways / USA and Worldwide / US$26

Seth is an ancient Egyptian deity, much maligned in popular, academic and theological thought. Up until fairly recently the only thing one needed to know about Seth was that he was the personification of evil and the prototype of the devil and Satan and all bad things in the world. He is the god who in one of the world’s most ubiquitous myths, kills another god, his own brother Osiris no less, then usurps his role as king, persecuting the orphaned Horus who only survives to manhood, due to the cunning of his sorcerer mother Isis. Horus then overpowers Seth and ensures he gets his just deserts.

This book explores the mythos of the god and various ways of seeing him; these may even appear antithetical, as is encapsulated in what is sometime known as “The Nagada Hypothesis” which stands in contrast to the consensus that Seth was always a malign deity.

Topics covered include historical views of Seth such as Plutarch’s Anti-God; Modern views of Seth; The Outsider: Gods of Sex and Death;The Two Ways. Includes extensive liturgy, ritual and appendices such as the Seven Spells of Nekhbet – a fantastic piece of battle magic in which the ancient Vulture Goddess enlists the power of Seth to protect Egypt’s borders. Also a discussion of Apophis, an ancient personification of evil, who is often confused with Seth.

cover: Horus & Seth blessing the King, Pharaoh Ramses III, from His mortuary temple at Medinet Habu, Thebes (Luxor) Cairo Museum of Antiquities. Reconstructed.

The author’s previous books include: The Bull of Ombos; Tankhem: Seth & Egyptian Magick; Supernatural Assault in Ancient Egypt; The Ritual Year in Ancient Egypt & Phi-Neter: Power of the Egyptian Gods.

Sexual Magick


Secrets of Sexual Gnosis in Western Magick
Katon Shual

Sexual Magick
Secrets of Sexual Gnosis in Western Magick
Katon Shual
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-48-0
£15.00 / US $24.00
Subjects: Sexual Magick/Aleister Crowley/Thelema/Tantra

Sexual Magick / UK / £15.00

Sexual Magick / USA & AUS / US$24.00

Click here for Kindle UK Edition

Click here for Kindle USA Edition

Sexuality is one of the keys to magick. In this book, first published in 1988, Katon Shual presents some of the secrets of sexual gnosis within  western magick – a system that is often misunderstood. The book begins with a look at the revival of sexual magick in the early part of the 20th century, especially within the ranks of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and some of the post Golden Dawn magical groups such as Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic cult. The book goes on the look at the modern fusion of western Hermetic and eastern Tantrik sexual gnosticism. On the way it discusses in a progressive manner gay, straight and solitary sexual magick. The book goes on to introduce the ancient deity Seth as an archetype of the sexual magician. The book includes an unpublished grimoire of sexual magick, as well as several other unusual sources, including an authoritative exploration of the chakra system, a magical approach to Kundalini and an introduction to the relationship between the sacred sexuality and the external landscape.

‘Makes the subject of sexual magick accessible and lucid and above all relevant to contemporary magical practice’
– Phil Hine reviewing in Talking Stick magazine

body magick cover art and insides by Michael R Goss


Shadow Matter & Psychic Phenomena

Dr Gerhard Wassermann

Shadow Matter & Psychic Phenomena
Dr Gerhard Wassermann
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1869928326
£15.00+p&p / US$24.00+p&p

Click HERE for UK edition

Click HERE for USA & Elsewhere 

A scientist casts new light on psi-phenomena, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and ‘out of the body experiences’ in this book. He presents an exciting new theory which explains such phenomena, linking the recently discovered ‘Shadow Matter’ world of physics with parapsychology. The author builds on theories until now discussed only in academic journals, but the book is accessible to non-scientists. Shadow Matter & Psychic Phenomena also offers over 60 fascinating case histories of ‘psychic’ experience. Essential reading for scientists, occultists, and anyone interested in the paranormal.

‘Important insights from the formal scientific tradition’
– Society of Metaphysicians

‘The idea that some non-ordinary form of matter can explain psi is one I think may be worth following up, as you have done…Purely as phenomenology, your ideas may be very valuable.’
– Professor Brian D Josephson FRS (Nobel Laureate)

‘a stimulating attempt to provide a scientific and rigorous explanation of psi-phenomena.’
– David Lorimer in Network (newsletter of Scientific and Medical network)

‘I heartily recommend this book to all investigators of paranormal phenomena and also to other scientists who would like to read a carefully written summary of the evidence for such phenomena.’
– Ian Stevenson, (University of Virginia)
in Journal of Parapsychology

Praise for his earlier title

‘The idea that some non-ordinary form of matter can explain psi is one I think may be worth following up, as you have done…Purely as phenomenology, your ideas may be very valuable.’
– Professor Brian D Josephson FRS
(Nobel Laureate)

‘A stimulating attempt to provide a scientific and rigorous explanation of psi-phenomena.’
– David Lorimer in Network
(newsletter of Scientific and Medical network)

‘I heartily recommend this book to all investigators of paranormal phenomena and also to other scientists who would like to read a carefully written summary of the evidence for such phenomena.’
– Ian Stevenson, (University of Virginia)
in Journal of Parapsychology

A reader’s personal response is reproduced below:

‘Dear Dr. Wassermann,

Having read your book, “Consciousness and Near Death Experiences”, I wondered if you might be interested in my experience: I had a NDE, an OBE and was seen by a doctor in a different location, all at the same time.

Aged 28, in […] Hospital, I underwent extensive surgery to my spine. All went well but because of having to be immobilized for a long time, I became ill, with, I believe, a post operative thrombosis and also a urinary infection. I did not feel aware of being ill, although I was in pain and felt “hot and cold”. I found myself above the bed, looking down at someone in the bed – I did not at first recognise it as being me. I then thought how well the surgery had worked, because I could move about.

I floated to the other end of the ward, to see a lady, M[. . . ], who had had two hip replacements – this was a new operation in 1965, and I was concerned for her. I noticed that she had a white cotton seersucker nightgown, patterned with little bunches of roses: on her left sleeve was a price tag from Marks & Spencer’s, for 29/11 (old money); what troubled me was that the metal clip was still on the ticket, and I was afraid that M[…] might be hurt by the sharp clip. I tried to make her hear me, but could not do so. When I tried to touch her, to draw her attention, my hand went through her. I suddenly had the thought that I was out of my body – and probably either dead or to about to die, and I think I panicked slightly.

I felt suddenly comfortable, and found myself in a little boat, floating along a shaft of light that shone over water, towards what appeared to be an island, where the light had its origin. I could hear wonderful music. I felt no pain, no distress, and was feeling very peaceful. I met no one, but could hear singing. A sudden jerk brought me back above my bed, from where I could see myself and the young doctor who was looking after me, another doctor and some nurses. They had some machinery, and were about to put orangey yellow round things on my chest – there was an audible bang, and I was back in my body, looking up at my doctor, and asking why he had brought me back, as I was now in pain again.

Later, the doctor told me that he had been off duty, and in a public house with friends, when he had seen me, “Floating up above the optics, waving and saying “Bye, T[..], I’m going now”” He had left at once, hurried to the hospital, to my ward, where he asked after me. Told that no-one had heard a “peep out of her all night” he discovered that I was in fact “going now” – and had summoned the resuscitation unit.

What has interested me is that in all the reports that I have subsequently read of NDEs and OBEs, no one has been seen, by another person, while they were experiencing their NDE or OBE – in my case, the doctor was not even in the hospital when he became aware of me – and I was not aware that I had “contacted” him, although we had found much in common in the short time that we had known each other, so there was some friendly rapport. He stayed with me for many hours, after my resuscitation, arguing with me about literature, to stop me from “going away again” – he knew that I would stay to argue with him if he told me that Shelley wrote rubbish!

My first experience of any psychic phenomena was in the summer of 1938, before I was a year old (I was born [ . . .]) when I was in my cot by my mother’s bed, with a family party going on in the next room: I saw a lady and gentleman billow through the wall – I began to scream, because I already knew that people used doors, and while I could not explain, my mother must have realised that I was scared, because she brought a night light into the room, although it was summer and still light outside (she invariably put me to bed at 6pm, until I was six or seven years old). I continued to see and hear people “who were not really there”, but learned not to say anything about it, until, in my late 40s, I started to attend a Spiritualist Church, where my “gift” was recognised and I was not made to feel guilty – I now work as a “Medium”, although never for money or reward of any kind. I am sure that many people have psychic experiences, but, like me, they do not talk about such things because such things are considered to be either unhealthy or insane.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your book, which I find very interesting, fair-minded, and helpful. It is good to find that Science is catching up with a very ordinary human experience!

With sincere respects

S […]

PS I should have added that the price tag on M […]’s nightgown was confirmed as correct.’

Shape-Shifters & Their Stories


The Golem; Lilith; Werewolf; The Dybbuk; Silkie; and more
Michael Berman

Shape-Shifters & Their Stories
Michael Berman
Format: Softcover/192 pp, 24 fascinating Illustrations.
ISBN: 978-1-906958-66-4
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Folklore//Myths & Magic/Fairy Tales/Shamanism/Spirituality.

Click HERE for Shape-Shifters & Their Stories / USA

Click HERE for Shape-Shifters & Their Stories / UK

“Long ago the trees thought they were really people
Long ago the mountains thought they were really people
Long ago the animals thought they were really people
Someday, they will say
Long ago the humans thought they were really people”

Constance O’Day-Flannery, Shifting Love

Shape-shifting is a common theme in mythology, folklore, and fairy tales. In its broadest sense, shape-shifting occurs when a being (usually human) either (1) can change its shape into that of another person, creature, or other entity or (2) finds its shape involuntarily changed by someone else. If the shape change is voluntary, its cause may be an act of will, a magic word or magic words, a potion, or a magic object. If the change is involuntary, its cause may be a curse or spell, a wizard’s or magician’s or fairy’s help, a deity’s will, a temporal change such as a full Moon or nightfall, love, or death. The transformation may or may not be purposeful.

The desire to be different in some way to match some ideal promoted through advertising has become an obsession, especially for vulnerable younger members of society. Perhaps the pressure to conform to some unrealistic ideal has always been with us, but surely not to the extent that now is the case. And it is this desire that helps to account for the current interest in shape-shifting as it would seem to provide a means of achieving the goal to bring about change. However, as many of the tales in this collection show, it is only by coming to terms with who we are that peace of mind can truly be ours again.

Sickert & The Ripper Crimes

The 1888 Ripper Murders and the artist Walter Richard Sickert
Jean Overton Fuller

Sickert & The Ripper Crimes
The 1888 Ripper Murders and the artist Walter Richard Sickert
Jean Overton Fuller
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1869928687
£15.00/ US$24.00
Subjects: Art/Ripperology/True Crime.

Click HERE for Sickert & The Ripper Crimes / UK

Click HERE for Sickert & The Ripper Crimes / USA & AUS

For Kindle edition click HERE / UK

For Kindle edition click HERE / USA & Rest of the world

In the autumn of 1888, London women lived under the shadow of the Ripper murders-killings perhaps unmatched in their sadistic brutality.

Sickert & The Ripper Crimes derives from the unsuspected testimony of the woman who had particular reason to fear for her life.

Florence Pash, friend and colleague of the artist Walter Sickert and herself an artist, confided to the author’s mother when in her late eighties, a terrible story that she had kept even from those closest to her.

‘timely and welcome…remains a curious and important book’
– Paul Begg in Ripperologist, April 2002

*Ripperologist, The Journal of Jack The Ripper, East End and Victorian Studies is available in electronic format, on subscription www.ripperologist.co.uk


The author, biographer and Theosophist Jean Overton Fuller was born on 7th March 1915, of Captain John Henry Fuller and the artist Violet Overton Fuller. The posthumous child of her father, who was killed in East Africa in the winter of 1914, her mother brought the young Jean up, with an entourage of intellectuals and artists.

Jean Overton Fuller is known in the field of Ripperology for her book Sickert and the Ripper Crimes. A study of the enormously talented Edwardian painter Walter Richard Sickert, in which, using her artist eye she scrutinises the paintings he produced for clues about the 1888 Ripper murders. Sickert found thrill and inspiration in the music halls, and the murky regions of the demi-monde and its inhabitants. The man was an enigma, his obsession with the Ripper murders, and the atmosphere of impending gory death, with the nudity, garishness, the strong scarlet hues, and the threatening shadows depicted so disturbingly in The Camden Town Murder series of his paintings, have raised questions and suspicion about the nature of Sickert’s fascination.

Jean, through her mother, was a contemporary link to these events, and with Sickert and the Ripper Crimes had generated a considerable amount of interest from the public as well from among her fellow writers, such as for instance the American best-selling author Patricia Cornwell and her contribution to the subject with her Portrait of A Killer: Jack The Ripper, Case Closed.

Paul Begg and Adam Wood of Ripperologist had invited Jean Overton Fuller to speak at the 2003 Ripper Conference in Liverpool. Mogg drove from Oxford to Wymington, a small locality in Northamptonshire to collect Jean en route to the Conference. This weekend in August was one of the hottest in the year. After the nightmare journey of the A5 to Liverpool with cars slowly moving head to tail, they were rewarded and arrived at the gigantic and labyrinthine Britannia Adelphi Hotel, a venue specially chosen for this Conference because of its Ripper connection. Jean greatly enjoyed this event and the very good and erudite company of the international fraternity of Ripperologists. The late Jeremy Beadle was the Master of Ceremony and introduced Jean to the audience, and she came alight on stage and spoke entertainingly for about half an hour without notes.

This was Jean’s penultimate public engagement. The last being Jean’s talk on C.W. Leadbeater, at the 2005 Theosophical History Conference in London.

Jean was hard of hearing which at times made her appear distant. She was a great English eccentric, humorous, kind, highly intelligent with a far ranging culture. She was extraordinary.

Her friends and those who met her will remember her with great warmth and affection. When you met Jean, even though the age gap, there was no sense of an age barrier. She was a rare soul.

Dear Jean rest in Peace and enjoy Devachan with your loved ones who departed before.

‘Om Mani Padme Om, the Sunrise comes!
The dewdrop slips into the shining sea!’
(From The Light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold)

Jean Overton Fuller: Author, Astrologer, Biographer, Theosophist, Ripperologist.
Born London, 7th March 1915 – Died Kettering, Wednesday 8th April 2009.

Siddha Quest for Immortality

Kamil Vaclav Zvelebil

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Siddha Quest for Immortality
Kamil Vaclav Zvelebil
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1869928431
Subjects: Ayurveda/Tantra.

In South India there is a society where priests and lay people claim supernatural powers. Where a sophisticated medical system underlies a quest for physical longevity and psychic immortality. And where arcane and sexual rituals take place that are far removed from the Brahmanic tradition.

That society is the Tamil Siddhas. In the Siddha Quest for Immortality world Tamil expert K Zvelebil offers a vivid picture of these people: their religious beliefs, their magical rites, their alchemical practices, their complex system of medicine, and their inspired tradition of poetry.

In the Poets of the Powers, Zvelebil introduced English speakers, for the first time, to the astonishing power of Siddha writing. The Siddha Quest for Immortality includes many newly-translated examples of poetry that is deeply religious but not without humour. But physical longevity was also central to Siddha belief, and fascinating chapters on Siddha medicine describe routines by which one can maintain health, and tell how drugs are created from such varied ingredients as cowdung, human urine, honey, oil, and milk.

Part of a Tantrik-Siddha Ritual

‘In the centre of a ritual circle…sits a chosen woman, completely naked, who symbolizes Devi, i.e., Sakti…caste or community is of absolutely no importance in the selection of this woman…This Sakti, thoroughly washed and perfumed all over her body with various perfumes sits on a sort of pedestal with widely spread legs so that her yoni (vulva) is well visible. The leading Siddha will kiss the yoni, and bless various non-vegetarian foodstuffs through the contact with the yoni by touching and rubbing with them the vulva of the Sakti. Then these offerings are distributed among the participants and consumed…’

The Siddha Quest for Immortality
‘While the non-Siddha proclaims that, in order to escape the wheel of birth-and-death the only course open to man is the attainment of spiritual freedom crowned by physical, bodily death, the Siddha maintains that one must overcome physical death in this life itself and ‘live forever’…the great work that lies before man is to purify one’s body and sanctify one’s life, and integrate the two…into one eternal monad, so that body and life become identical.’
The Poets of the Powers

‘Siddha writings are at once most thrilling, even sensational but at the same time the darkest and only very little-known texts in Tamil. They represent a complex and provocative puzzle: flashes of stunning intuition, knowledge, even deep wisdom as well as results of effective practice seem to be mixed with incredible naivete, hardly acceptable superstitions, and dark and amazing claims.’

Plagiarists and impostors?

‘Even Indians themselves, when raised on the niceties of early twentieth century English or Anglo-Indian culture, described the Siddhas as “plagiarists and impostors”, “eaters of opium and dwellers in the land of dreams, their conceit knowing no bounds.’

Siddha Iconoclasm
‘You begging bullocks!
In ochre robes,
with matted hair,
with water-vessels,
rosary-beads and walking sticks,
you have forsaken your women
and roam about the country wide and large
begging for a grain of boiled rice!

Further extracts below:


The Tamil Siddhas cannot be regarded as one homogenous ‘movement’ or ‘school of thought’ manifesting a unified, well-defined, uniform ideology. A great number of elements have entered into their thinking, some of them pan-Indian, some of them apparently specifically South Indian or Tamil. On the other hand, their overall ideology has, of course, several basic doctrinal tenets in common. As we shall see, some of these tenets are in amazing correspondence with the most recent developments in modern physics of post-relativity and quantum theory era. The schema of dense and subtle matter is one of those tenets: according to ultimate Siddha thought, subtle matter constitutes the inner body of man; matter is nothing but crystallized energy, and a manifestation of infinite and universal mind (‘subtle matter’ reappears in the theories of physicists of our day). An accomplished Siddha is someone who has learned to harmonize his awareness with this subtle (sub-atomic?) matter of which he is composed. The Siddha alchemist can live in the mode of constant appearance and disappearance, manifestation and dissolution, of subtle matter and energy; and all matter forms a continuum. Neither matter nor consciousness are ultimate, for both have their source in something still ‘beyond’, in Civam which can not really become object of knowledge. Hence the Siddha poet speaks often of ‘silence’:

Silence, unmoved and rising,
Silence, unmoved and sheltering,
Silence, unmoved and permanent,
Silence, unmoved and brilliant,
Silence, broad and immense like the Ganga,
Silence, unmoved and increasing,
Silence, white and shining like the Moon,
Silence, the Essence of Siva.

The only possible predication of the ‘something’in which both matter and consciousness have their source is Void, Emptiness. Hence, again, one of the key-terms appearing in Siddha poetry: vettaveli, cuniyam ‘utter emptiness, void’, veliyirveli (liter.) ‘void in emptiness’ i.e. supreme, absolute Emptiness; or, simply, veli (liter ‘open space; space; openness’) ’emptiness’:

Gods made out of wood
Gods made out of stone
Gods made out of palmyra fronds
Gods made out of bone
Gods made out of rags
Gods made out of dung
Gods made out of saffron bags
There are no other gods
(Civavakkiyam 503/510)

must be stressed, however, that by this emptiness is not meant a substantive emptiness like ‘an empty box’. It is emptiness which is a plenum (more about all this will be said in subsequent chapters). And man can come into contact with this Void. How, that is precisely what the Siddhas tell us.

These, then, are, in very simplified words, some of the ultimate and basic doctrinal points common to all those thinkers, poets, alchemists and physicians designated as cittar (Siddhar, Siddhas) in Tamil India. Now, to speak of less lofty matters, the reader must be made aware that, nowadays, when it comes to Siddha medicine and medical practice, there even exist, in Madras, a government Siddha dispensary, and a government Siddha medical college. Also, let us return to what divides the Siddhas from one another; let us mention at least one of their important ‘inhomogeneities’ – the Siddha attitude to sex.

The Siddha attitude to sex often manifests features which are in mutual contrast, and thus represents a good illustration of the heterogeneous character of the Siddha ‘movement’. On the one hand there are Siddha poets who express utter disgust and revulsion towards women and any sexual activity (e. g. Pattinattar who in Potu 14 speaks of men who ‘for the sake of a cunt / perish day and night’, and in 31 mentions ‘women / who smell of their / sensuality’, whose ‘limbs stink of their discharge’). Pattinattar is not the only one, although he probably represents the most vigorous manifestation of the ascetic, stern, misogynist trend of Siddha thought. On the other hand, in drastic contrast – so at least it seems – there is an entire group of Siddha alchemist-medicine men who are obviously raised in the Tantrik tradition, and who in fact take part in rituals based on the Tantrik cakrapuja. This stream of Siddha thought and practice will be dealt with in some detail in chapter 12 of this book, but here I wish to indicate very briefly the most salient features of such Tantrik-Siddha ritual.

In the centre of a ritual circle (cakkiram) sits a chosen woman, completely naked, who symbolizes Devi, i. e. Sakti, the Primeval Energy of the Cosmos, the Goddess, and it is characteristic of the Siddha views that caste or community is of absolutely no importance either in the selection of this woman (she can be a virgin as well as a prostitute, a young Brahmin girl as well as a ripe low- caste lady), or in the gathering of the participants. This Sakti, thoroughly washed and perfumed all over her body with various perfumes (according to an exact prescription; for details cf. chapter 12), sits on a sort of pedestal with widely spread legs so that her yoni (vulva) is well visible. The leading Siddha will kiss the yoni, and bless various non-vegetarian foodstuffs through the contact with the yoni by touching and rubbing with them the vulva of the Sakti. Then these offerings are distributed among the participants and consumed. The participating men, who for five days preceding the puja had been eating meat, drinking alcoholic beverages and using aphrodisiacs according to Siddha pharmacopoeia, will naturally be in a state of high sexual arousal which must however be strictly controlled, until ritual cohabitation follows with their chosen female partners which – and this is a basic and most important requirement – must never end in ejaculation of the sperm. The Siddha tenet underlying all this holds that the enormous force which is released by controlled sexual tension must be translated from the gross physical level to the ‘subtle’ body and ultimately to the psychic level whereby one attains various siddhis or supranormal powers and ‘immortality’.

This book consists of some sixteen sections. The introductory chapter describes in broad outlines general features of Siddha medicine (since this is what the book is mostly concerned with), and in the following chapter are spelled out ideological tenets of the specific Siddha quest of immortality. Next chapter deals with basic principles and beliefs of Siddha physicians. The following section gives first a rather detailed account of Siddha materia medica and its use, and moves on to the cure prescribed for a number of various diseases. Three very brief sections follow: on Siddha yoga, daily regime, and alchemy. The following chapter is concerned with the specific Siddha techniques for the attainment of longevity and ‘immortality’. Then follows a description of some doctrinal aspects of Siddhism as reflected in contemporary medical practice, and of a visit in a Siddha dispensary in Madras. Tantrik Siddha school and Siddha attitudes to sex are dealt with next. After the conclusions, a short anthology of selected Siddha poetic texts is offered to the reader. Index of terms in precise transliteration and select bibliography close the book.

Cunnilingus according to Tantrik Siddhas
[from a late medieval text in Tamil entitled Treatise on the Arrow of Lust

First Stage
Like a cow which licks tenderly its calf
spread out your tongue broad
and lick her yoni
lapping up the juices oozing out
like a thirsty dog which laps cool water

Side Stories


Side Stories

A D Harvey

ISBN 9781906958-930, 255pp, hardcover

£16.99+p&p / $25.00+p&p

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Collected here for the first time, are the masterly short stories of A D Harvey, many of them erotic, some of them distinctly odd, and a couple downright lewd. Linked together they, like a novel, shed light on one of the less conventional scholarly careers of recent times.

In 2013 more than eighty Internet sites round the world took up the story of A.D.Harvey’s literary spoofs following his outing in The Times Literary Supplement, thereby further outraging an academic establishment which had had it in for him ever since he had broken ranks by obtaining a Ph.D. at Cambridge only six years after sitting his A-levels. The author of eight scholarly monographs, numerous articles in academic quarterlies, three novels and a slim volume of verse, A.D.Harvey is (despite occasional spoofs) a serious if sometimes idiosyncratic writer and his gift for style, cogency and psychological insight is demonstrated by a collection of his short stories and other pieces now published under the title  Side Stories by Mandrake of Oxford.

A.D.Harvey is a historian and literary scholar whose work has been translated into French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish and also the author of three novels, including Warriors of the Rainbow (2000), described by The Guardian  as ‘weirdly compelling’ and  by The Times as ‘intriguing….both awe-inspiring and,frankly, potty’. His short stories, many of them erotic, some of them distinctly odd, and a couple downright lewd, are collected here for the first time, together with half a dozen other pieces that shed light on one of the less conventional scholarly careers of recent times.Also included:  A D Harvey’s  nordic noir Mind-Sprung

Star Crossed Serpent I

Volume I
Origins: Evan John Jones 1966-1998
The Legend of Tubal Cain
Evan John Jones & Shani Oates

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The Star Crossed Serpent
Vol 1
Origins: Evan John Jones 1966-1998
The Legend of Tubal Cain
Evan John Jones & Shani Oates
Format: Hardback
Subjects: Cochranian Craft/Witchcraft/Magic/Occult.

Part One:

Dual-authorship of the Clan of Tubal Cain’s Legacy defining 50 years of its organic evolution. Originating from within an unpublished ms written by Evan John Jones, the former Magister of the Clan since Robert Cochrane’s death in 1966, it serves Testament to the Will of Fate and Tenacity of Spirit here expressed, from its inception under Robert Cochrane through Evan John Jones’ own record of the Clan’s beliefs and practises to those of the Current bearers of this mantle, depicting the interweaving of Wyrd in the vital process of its existence and continuity in Troth to its Tutelary Spirit: The Star Crossed Serpent.

Star Crossed Serpent II

Volume II
The Legend of Tubal Cain
Shani Oates

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The Star Crossed Serpent
Vol 2 The Legend of Tubal Cain
Shani Oates
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 978-1-906958-38-1
Subjects: Traditional Witchcraft

Following on from the groundwork of the first volume prepared by Evan John Jones, the thread continues through expansion, evolution, and return to the Weaver Herself. Experiential research bears fruit, en-fleshing the seeds planted by previous workers of the lineage. Guided and inspired by tradition, prompted by oracular observation, intellect and mental detective work. Concepts and core principles of our Mythos and Praxis reveal a shift of awareness and a ‘Perennial Philosophy’. This is an ecumenical gnostic current that has revealed a deeper understanding of our work and its obligations, both to ourselves and to our ancestors.

Discussed here are subtle treasures unearthed within a rich heritage of  folklore, myth and legend. Overarching paradigms that include the Egregore, Clanship, Mysticism and Luciferianism.  These essays build upon the former volume,  expounding a vibrant dramatic aegis. Here find a new voice to herald the eternal paean, the Song of the Beloved: Promethean gnosis of the Star Crossed Serpent.


Intro: The Ring Troth of Cain
1.     The Archer’s Song
2.     Brimstone & Treacle
3.     The Faith of the Wise
4.     The Stang
5.     The 4th Nail
6.     Dark Aegipan and Pale Leukothea
7.     Cain and Craft Diversity
8.     Cain, Clanship and the Egregore
9.     Patterns of Transformation: the Alchemy of Being
10.    The Poison Chalice


Star Crossed Serpent III


‘The Taper That Lights The Way’
(Robert Cochrane’s Letters Revealed)
Shani Oates

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The Star Crossed Serpent
Vol 3
The Taper that lights the way
(Robert Cochrane letters revealed)
Shani Oates
Format: Hardback/476pp.
ISBN: 978-1-906958-43-5
Subjects: Cochranian Craft/Traditional Witchcraft/Magic.

“Those that speak of secret and secrecy, and not of discretion or wisdom, are those who have not discovered Truth.”

Subject to continual speculation and study, the enigmatic words of this erstwhile poet have touched the Craft, influencing all called to it, irrespective of their path or journeying. Such was his genius, such was his unique gift, ever the barb of fate, he was beyond his era. His legacy has enriched the tone of all seekers and all pilgrims who would cast aside the veil of illusion in favour of the ‘Real.’

For the first time, his own Clan are able to offer clarification on the mystery of his Faith through his evolving Craft, begun officially at the onset of the decade that witnessed his tragic death. Finally, through the gift of several early letters, now brought together with those already published, their message is consciously revealed. Under a carefully constructed chronology, this is ‘his’ story, unfurled through his words and works.

As the ‘Order of the Sun,’ his People of Goda, of the Clan of Tubal Cain, we continue to hold aloft his brave taper, that for the ‘Hound’ and ‘Pale Guiden,’ in the Great Hall of Caer Ochran, is ‘worth a light!’

Illumination of the ‘Cochrane Tradition,’ is our testament to the valour of mentors past and those yet to be.



An Astro-Magical Lapidary
Peter Stockinger

Stars And Stones
An Astro-Magical Lapidary
Peter Stockinger
Format: Softcover/164 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-906958-73-2

New revised edition

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Triple Peter Stockinger UK

Triple Peter Stockinger USA & Elsewhere

Unlock the hidden powers of crystals and gemstones.

For millennia, magicians and astrologers, familiar with celestial magic, knew that precious stones held an important key for the maintenance of health and wellbeing. During the Age of Reason this knowledge was lost. Now, nearly 400 years later drawing from ancient sources, Peter Stockinger’s astro-magical lapidary invites you to re-discover this long-lost knowledge and to learn how to utilise the magical and therapeutic powers of gems.

· Read the in-depth descriptions of 30 gemstones and crystals revealing their hidden lore, and discover their practical use from antiquity;

· Study real-life cases that demonstrate how to use the beneficial powers of crystals and gemstones;

· Learn how to find your perfect gem, create gemstone talismans and manufacture lucky fixed star rings.

The lapidary also contains a thorough introduction to the subject of traditional astrology, a therapeutic index and a detailed glossary.

Supernatural Assault in Ancient Egypt

(Also contains topics on Seth, Renpet & Moon Magick)
Mogg Morgan

Supernatural Assault in Ancient Egypt
Seth, Renpet & Moon Magick
Mogg Morgan
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-32-9 (2011) 190pp
£15.00/ US$24.00
Subjects: Egyptian Magick.

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You’re in your bed. It’s dark, you hear footsteps coming up the stairs and into your room. There’s someone there – a presence. They lie on you or beside you, gripping you tightly, crushing you into the bed. You can’t move. There may be a sound, a grunt or a strange smell. Time passes, and you are paralysed with fear. Eventually, the entity changes, expanding or contracting, moving away from you, sinking to the floor. With a great effort of will, you manage to move the tip of your finger, then the hand until movement returns to your whole body and the experience ends. You have been visited by the old ‘hag’.

Dreams, the real theatre or perhaps battlefield of magick are influenced by cosmic tides that ebb and flow through us as they did the ancient Egyptians.

Contents: Kiss of the Vampire / Origin of the Vampire Myth / Egyptian Psychology / Lucky and Unlucky / Supernatural Assault/

Surrealism & The Occult




Surrealism & The Occult

Nadia Choucha
Format: Softcover/164 pp.
ISBN: 9781906958749
Subjects: Art/Art History/Surrealism/Occult.

Click HERE for the UK edition

Many people associate Surrealism with politics, but it was also permeated by occult ideas, a fact often overlooked by art historians. This occult influence goes beyond general themes to the movement’s very heart.

This occult influence goes beyond general themes to the movement’s very heart. The antinomian stance of Surrealism can be traced directly to the influence of radical nineteenth century magi such as Eliphas Lévi, whose Dogma and Ritual of High Magic was widely read by Surrealism’s ideologues. Amongst these we find its progenitor André Breton.

The book shows how many Surrealists and their predecessors were steeped in magical ideas: Kandinsky, with his involvement with Theosophy, the sorcery of Salvador Dali; the alchemy of Pablo Picasso and the shamanism of Max Ernst and Leonora Carrington.

Surrealism did not establish itself in Britain until the 1930s but a select few felt something in the air. Almost ten years before the Surrealist experiments with automatic drawing, an obscure English artist, Austin Osman Spare had perfected the technique.

Nadia Choucha shows, convincingly, that occult and surrealist philosophies were often interchangeable. Surrealism and the Occult is seminal reading for art historians and occultists alike, while artists will find it a vital guide to the unlocking of the imagination.

Praise for Nadia Choucha’s Surrealism & the Occult
”Highly readable…seminal… fascinating” – Francis X. King
”alive, with the heady mixture of occult and pictorial symbolism treated with laudable lucidity.”- Art Book News


Seth & Egyptian Magick I
Mogg Morgan

Seth & Egyptian Magick I
Mogg Morgan
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1869928865 (2005) 234pp
/ US$24.00
Subjects: Egyptian Magick.

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The Typhonian deity Seth was once worshipped in Ancient Egypt. Followers of later schools obliterated Seth’s monuments, demonised and neglected his cult. A possible starting point in the quest for the ‘hidden god’ is an examination of the life of Egyptian King Seti I (‘He of Seth’) also known as Sethos.

When looking for an astral temple that included all of the ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses, the temple of Seti I proved itself worthy of examination. Many secrets began to reveal themselves. The essence of the real philosophy of the Sethian and indeed what Satanism is, stems from the author’s astral wanderings in this temple.

The temple is a real place, and like any temple no part of its design is accidental. It is a record in stone and paint of the Egyptian wisdom. It also fits quite well with the Thelemic mythos and tells lots of interesting things about the ancient Seth cult – if you have the eye to see it.



Prolegomena to Egyptian magick;



Egyptian Magick and Tantra;

Sexual Magick;

Twenty Eight;

The Crooked Wand.


Recommended by The Cauldron

“Considering how few modern metaphysical books are devoted to Sethian magic specifically, Storm initiates and other Sethians may find Morgan’s contribution to be of interest. Morgan also includes material relevant to the sexual mysticism of the left-hand path tradition which is relevant to the Storm’s transmission of the sinister current. Morgan’s approach is not in accordance with the purely religious vision of Seth that inspires the Storm movement (he seems to see Seth as a sort of Jungian archetype rather than a literal deity). Although we disagree with his connection of Seth to Satanism and Thelema, and some of his research in the book is dated (circa 1980s), many of Morgan’s insights and research concerning the historical cult of Seth will be illuminating to any reader interested in the Sethian phenomenon.’

“A very personal exploration of the cult of the dark Egyptian god Set or Seth, covering ancient temples, tantrik and Crowleyan influences, sexual magick, sacred landscapes and astronomy, thought-forms, and the unjustly neglected work of the poet W.B. Yeats, who is seldom recognized as one of the most important and active members of the Golden Dawn. Mr. Morgan is an excellent example of how ancient magick can work for the modern individual: in exploring the past, you may find myths that resonate for you, that come alive in dreams and omens, appearing in unexpected synchronicities as you go through life. The Old Gods are not dead, they think we are. Mr. Morgan has also written several other works, including the thought-provoking Sexual Magick under the nom-de-plume Katon Shual.”

Tantra for Westerners

A Practical Guide to The Way of Action
Francis X. King

Tantra for Westerners
A Practical Guide to The Way of Action
Francis X. King
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-869928-60-5
/ US$24.00
Subjects: Tantra/Tantrism.

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Tantra has been defined as “a mystical philosophy” and as “an unorthodox religious tendency”. Both definitions are incomplete.

While Tantra has mystical, philosophical and religious aspects it is, above all, a technique of action – a system of physical, mental and spiritual discipline incorporating meditation, yoga, and sacramental worship in the widest sense of the phrase. This system has one purpose: the transformation of the individual – his or her rebirth to a new existence.

There is no “tantric faith” to be accepted or rejected on the bases of thought and emotion. tantrics make the same claim as Western magicians: “if you follow a certain course of action you will be led back to the roots of your own identity and will learn the truth about yourself and the universe you inhabit.”

Tantra For Westerners is a complete theoretical and practical guide to the Way of Action, covering the concepts of pleasure and pain, power and passivity, esoteric physiology, Tantra and Qabalism, right-hand and left-hand Tantra, tantric ritual for westerners and the arousal of Kundalini – the serpent power.

Francis X King (1934-1994) was a well known authority on magick, mysticism and religion. His books includes Ritual Magic in England and The Magical World of Aleister Crowley.

Judith Page’s cover painting, title ‘Tristan’ 20″ x 24″ oil on canvas. It shows the Goddess Tsun’kie k’sai, a Burmese deity. The cat is a Burmese, sacred cat of Burma.


A practical introduction to Kaula Magick
Mogg Morgan (Sahajanath)

Tantra Sadhana
A practical introduction to Kaula Magick
Mogg Morgan (Sahajanath)
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1869928-421
£15.00 / US $24.00  180pp
Subjects: Tantra/Amookos

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A ‘Sâdhana’ is an instrument that leads to a particular goal. In Tantra, it is a technical term denoting worship or spiritual practice.

Tantra Sâdhana is a collection of related instructional papers designed to aid the aspirant through a foundation practice.

The work was originally conceived as leading to a practice over the course of one lunar month. In addition, the author had added several useful appendices – including the previously unpublished Tantrik Knuckle Bone Oracle.

The reader might find this a good general primer combined with some more unusual, perhaps advanced material.


Introduction / / What is Tantra? / Sâdhana/practice / Mantra / Mandala or Yantra / MudrA / NyAsa / DhyAna / PUja / DIkshA / Magick and Liberation / Svecchacara / Tantrik traditions and sects / Recommended Reading / The opening rite / Yoga of the voice / Quarter Guardians / Visualisation / The Astral Temple / The Kamarupa Temple Meditation / The Kalas / The Ganesha Practice (Sadhana) / Ganesha rupa / The ‘Demon’ Doctrine and the roots of Tantra / Invocation of Kundalini / IV The Serpent Power /The Kaulajnana -Nirnaya of the School of Matsyendranath / Yoga Sutras of Patanjali / Grammar of Tantra / The VAma-keshvari-matam / Oracles / Tantrik Knuckle Bone Oracles / Pronounciation / When Your Guru Goes Gaga / Hindu Lunar Calendar

Review from White Dragon

“I first became interested in Tantra years ago when I read AGHORA, At the Left Hand of God by Robert E. Svoboda. The ideas of breaking out of social conditioning, becoming yourself, all appealed to me. Since then though my interest waned due to the New Age inundation of, ‘tantra for lovers’ type waffle.

Then comes Tantra Sadhana for me to review and I once again find myself inspired. This e-book takes the form of an introduction to the subject and then gives the reader some basic ritual to work through. First published as a fact-sheet for AMOOKOS, Arcane and Magickal Order of the Knights of Shamballa, so you know the information in chapter one is solid enough.

The inclusion of the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual was not to my taste, It’s a personal thing, but I would rather the author had used the version from the PGM, from which the GPR is a more rubbish version. I know why it’s there, but it didn’t work for me.

What I did find very useful was the extensive appendix, for me, this is the best part of the book, and with a little imagination can be used to form your own Tantric rites. I was very pleased to see the Ganapati Upanishad text included, I was at a private ritual years ago where Phil Hine did this and I found it very moving.

Anyone interested in Tantra beyond the New Age tripe will enjoy this book and I would recommend it without reservation. I would also say it’s worth reading for people interested in Chaos Magick, because reading it, it becomes obvious how Tantric ideas have shaped the Chaos Current that we have today. ”



Gerald Boak

Gerald Boak
Format: Softcover/210 pp.
ISBN: 9781906958336
£12.99+p&p / US$22.00+p&p

Click HERE for UK edition

Click HERE for USA & Elsewhere

A simple set of 84 oracles, based on the Thoth Tarot, that one does not need a card deck or an experienced reader in order to consult!  Simply think of a question, then either toss a coin or dice in the prescribed manner. Then read your answer.

The 84 Taromancy oracles were first published in 1985. They were intended for the experienced hand at divination, and have remained in widespread demand ever since. This fully revised edition, contains the same oracles but in less technical language, will appeal to those only now setting out to explore fortune telling. After a quarter of a century in use, I believe their following justifies this major revision.

Apart from their plainer style, a new Summary and in-depth Conclusion now accompanies each oracle. These replace the earlier and limited Notes, and explain even the smallest areas of interest. Together with extra and helpful background material in the first three chapters, I believe these sizeable additions will provide a more complete and user-friendly tool of divination.

Finally, and on a purely technical note, the astrological aspects behind the oracles agree with the work of Aleister Crowley in his dictionary of correspondences, Liber 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica ad Systemam (etc.) published privately in 1909 and adopted since as a standard work of reference. Two of those correspondences were amended in his 1944 edition of The Book of Thoth. In that book Crowley made a fundamental error in his Key Scale of the tables, incorrectly assigning Aries to tarot trump XVII and Aquarius to trump IV, whereas, and by his own admission, they should be counterchanged. Fearing more hawk-eyed diviners will question my choice of attributions, I thought it safest to explain in advance.

The Apophenion

A Chaos Magic Paradigm
Peter J. Carroll

The Apophenion
A Chaos Magic Paradigm
Peter J. Carroll
ISBN: 978-1869928650
Format: Softcover
£15.00 / US$24
Subjects: Chaos Magic

Click HERE for The Apophenion / USA

Click HERE The Apophenion / UK

Click here for Kindle UK Edition

Click here for Kindle USA Edition

From the Author

“My final Magnum Opus if its ideas remain unfalsified within my lifetime, otherwise its back to the drawing board.

Yet I’ve tried to keep it as short and simple as possible, it consists of eight fairly brief and terse chapters and five appendices. It attacks most of the great questions of being, free will, consciousness, meaning, the nature of mind, and humanity’s place in the cosmos, from a magical perspective.

Some of the conclusions seem to challenge many of the deeply held assumptions that our culture has taught us, so brace yourself for the paradigm crash and look for the jewels revealed in the wreckage.This book contains something to offend everyone; enough science to upset the magicians, enough magic to upset the scientists, and enough blasphemy to upset most trancendentalists.”

The Apophenion cover artwork by David Gough www.davidgoughart.com

”Apophenia is the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad,[1] who defined it as the “unmotivated seeing of connections” accompanied by a “specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness”. Source Wikipedia

Praise for Peter J. Carroll’s works

“The most original, and probably the most important, writer on Magick since Aleister Crowley.” Robert Anton Wilson, author of the Cosmic Trigger trilogy.

“Magicians feared they had lost Him to the world of Theoretical Physics, but Zarathustra has come down from the mountain. The Apophenion is spoken – and proves the wait was worth it. Religion starts the hunt for Meaning, and with science Meaning is killed and served up as Truth. So we need magic, sowing the seeds of Meaning in everyday events, and we need art to cultivate them to public awareness. Thus does Apopheniareveal how to bring back meaning to our diminished lives.” Lionel Snell, Aka Ramsey Dukes, author of SSOTBME.

by Peter J. Carroll

“The most original, and probably the most important, writer on Magick since Aleister Crowley.”
             -Robert Anton Wilson, author of the Cosmic Trigger trilogy.

“Magicians feared they had lost Him to the world of Theoretical Physics, but Zarathustra has come down from the mountain. The Apophenion is spoken – and proves the wait was worth it. Religion starts the hunt for Meaning, and with science Meaning is killed and served up as Truth. So we need magic, sowing the seeds of Meaning in everyday events, and we need art to cultivate them to public awareness. Thus does Apophenia reveal how to bring back Meaning to our diminished lives.”
– Lionel Snell, author of SSOTBME.

‘Framed as the outpouring of insight generated by the novel Goddess ‘Apophenia’, Pete Carroll’s new work is a real gem. Coming from a science background, this is his attempt to create a falisfiable model of why the universe looks the way it does, and just why magick can operate successfully.

In the inimitable Carrollian style we have come to know and love, our author sets out to demolish the edifices of being, consciousness, causality, the big-bang and more. In toppling these ontological Titans Pete discovers a universe of panpsychism and intense meaning.

If nothing else this agrees with my own views and is therefore a Good Thing. Pursuing this process through the scientific style of exploration means that quantum physics, special relativity et al show up pretty frequently in the text. If you buy this book expecting lists of planetary correspondence and ritual-by-numbers instructions you’re going to be disappointed.

However this doesn’t mean that this is all physics and no esoterica. Rather the point is that the reading of the universe that the author presents is suffused with magick. (Nevertheless there are some reassuring illustrations of occult entities and one explicit ritual – a rather lovely evocation of the Goddess Apophenia herself).

My reaction in reading this book was one of excitement. The suggestions that Pete advances tickle the mind delightfully. Certainly this isn’t Liber Null. It’s not a manual of techniques but instead concentrates on theory, yet that doesn’t make for a dull read. The theorisation presented here can light the touch paper of a hundred disciplines: cosmology and magick for sure but also Fortean studies, ethnography and especially neuro-biology.

Algebra explodes across the appendices of the book scattering the non-mathematicians towards the Epilogue where things are nicely rounded off in laypersons terms. The truth may well be that we live in vorticitating hypersphere with three dimensional time that, as the author beautifully asserts, “…invites us to become apprentice gods.” The very fact that I can now say ‘vorticitating hypersphere’ and know what that means is a testament to the authors explicatory powers.

The final and perhaps most wonderful thing about The Apophenion is how it demonstrates the development and maturation of Pete Carroll’s earlier writing. If nothing else this stands as a testament to the work of an individual (or perhaps conspiracy of selves!) who’s magick really does seem to work.

Eight chaospheres out of a possible eight!’

– Julian Vayne


A personal experience of contemporary blood rites
Charlotte Rodgers

The Bloody Sacrifice
a personal experience of contemporary blood rites
Charlotte Rodgers
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-30-5
£15.00 / US $24.00

Click HERE for UK edition

Click HERE for USA & AUS

Charlotte Rodgers is a non-denominational magickal practitioner and an animist, and The Bloody Sacrifice is the story of her work with blood. It chronicles her use of road kill and blood in art, ritualised scarification and tattoo work, and the use of venous and menstrual blood in magick. Also included are Charlotte’s interviews with tattoo artists; priests from belief systems which utilise blood sacrifice; artists who use their own HIV positive blood as a medium; and those who use mortifications and body modification to effect changes in consciousness and self.

All here share a common bond of talent combined with an ability to articulate their beliefs. For example Louis Martinie, a priest in the New Orleans Voodoo Spiritual Temple. Martinie has integrated his Tibetan Buddhist beliefs into his Voodoo practice and in doing so shows how personal spiritual evolution can effect change within a syncretic religion. As a blood-related illness affected various parts of Charlotte’s life, she was given a chance to explore blood rituals in a very different way. Documenting this part of her journey gives an understanding of AIDS, HIV and HCV, and their effect on spirituality and contemporary blood rites.

Blood Ritual, with all its history, baggage and dangers hold the power to create change. Whether this power is held within blood and how much impact is created merely by our perception is for the reader to decide. The Bloody Sacrifice is an honest, modern and thought-provoking personal insight into an ancient aspect of our spirituality and creativity.

The Bloody Sacrifice. Charlotte Rodgers (Mandrake).
I opened The Bloody Sacrifice with more than a wee bit of trepidation. I knew I was not going to come across anything silly or self-indulgent, as the writer of this book is far too intelligent for that. What I found were open, honest and at times profound realisations that the author had come to through her exploration of blood, body, ritual and art. The interviews in the book are varied, relevant and very interesting. But, bar a couple of them, I wanted to hear more of the author’s voice, of her experiences and her conclusions. Rodgers is a natural priestess, regardless of what magical path she chooses to take or has taken; she has a natural capacity to connect deeply with inner world beings and learn directly, for both good and bad, from them. The main issue I was looking for, which would be guaranteed to show me if this person was switched on enough to actually truly work in this field, appeared almost immediately. Such paths into these areas are littered with unfortunate fools who have mired themselves in parasitical and low-life entanglements with inner beings, which effectively ensure that they go no further into the depths of magical realms. Not this author – she saw the traps immediately and neatly sidestepped them, learning naturally as she went deeper into the mysteries of power. Charlotte Rodgers has a powerful, clear and magical voice that I hope we will hear much more from in the future.
Highly recommended.
Josephine McCarthy – The Cauldron #140, May 2011.

Charlotte Rodgers Website

The Book of Baphomet


Julian Vayne & Nikki Wyrd


USA & AUS $34.00

UK £25.00

Click here for Kindle UK edition

Click here for Kindle USA edition

The Book of Baphomet
Julian Vayne & Nikki Wyrd
Format: Hardback/232 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-906958-46-6
£25.00 / US$3400
Subjects: Chaos Magick

You hold in your hands the material result of many years’ hard craft.
This Book contains some of the secrets of Life itself; or rather, the
occult deity of Life on Earth, Baphomet. Horned, vital, beautiful,
awful, our aeons old Chaos Magick idol finds a name from the Knights Templar, then goes incognito through the Enlightenment (when flourished those great natural philosophers beloved of science historians), before emerging via devil worship and witchcraft into this era of Deep Ecology.

Darwin could have used a picture of Baphomet as his frontispiece, to
demonstrate the one flesh from which all species originate. Contacting
this Great Spirit, the anima mundi, allows access to a new way of
ordering the world, with fresh visions of how and why we could Live.
Here the authors weave strands from their lives into a rich tapestry
of images, which might give you a pointer or two towards your own
self-realisation, whilst amusing, entertaining, and instructing along
the way.

Revolution, evolution, leap beyond the apocalypse to the Now!

“An excellent read, consisting as it does of such a wealth of information, research, anecdote, experience and vision” – Peter J. Carroll

“It is a very fine book, in which your two voices form a harmonious whole, and which manages to interweave cosmology, history, science, autobiography and drugs in a very effective way which probably nobody else could have managed.” – Prof. Ronald Hutton

“I have finished the book and found nothing I would object to. It is most excellent. The so-called Occult world is full of really bad books that are a sad waste of trees. Yours shines amongst this dross.” – Ian Read

“Altered state of consciousness just reading it…”- Alistair Livingston

“A fascinating, poetic revisioning of the concept of deity for the 21st century”
– Levannah Morgan

Watch The Book Of Baphomet (Trailer)

Check out
The Blog of Baphomet, a magickal dialogue between nature and culture.

The Cannibal Within

Mark L. Mirabello
(Horror Fiction) (Cosmic Horror)

Click HERE for The Cannibal Within / UK

Click HERE for The Cannibal Within / USA

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The Cannibal Within
Mark L. Mirabello
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 9781869928278
Subjects: Cosmic Horror/Horror Fiction.

Best New Horror 2003, from The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: vol. 14. Edited by Stephen Jones, 2003 Edition, ISBN 0786712376.

They raped me and ate my friend alive.’ Thus starts this work of erotic horror fiction filled with ‘sacrilege, blasphemy, and crime’–written in a style that is part H. P. Lovecraft, part Marquis de Sade, and part Octave Mirbeau–The Cannibal Within is literally ‘wet with sin, slippery with blood, and slimy with fornication.’

The novel’s central character is part Lara Croft part Sarah Connor. She/We has a choice: the evil may be patiently borne or savagely resisted.

We may think we are special–holy, honored, valued–god’s chosen primates–but that is a fraud. The dupes of superhuman forces, we are misfits and abominations. We have no higher purpose –no savior god died for our sins–we exist, only because our masters are infatuated with our meat.

‘The Earth is a farm,’ wrote Charles Fort.

‘We are someone else’s property.’

‘–no savior god died for our sins–we exist, only because our masters are infatuated with our meat.’
‘We have a choice: the evil may be patiently borne or savagely resisted.’

‘. . .one of the most unique horror novels to come along in a long time.’
– Dark Funeral

Reviewed by Tyler Ferguson in Dagobert’s Revenge

‘While at face value the horror fiction genre may seem to be the right label to list this book under, we may find more than fiction lying under the surface. The author, a History professor at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, OH, has created a work that can be described as terrifying, revolting, sadistic and even fascinating. I prefer to describe it as fascinatingly terrifying, revolting, sadistic and somewhat familiar in an archetypal sense. The book makes the reader want to gasp and turn away, but it appeals to one’s morbid curiosity so well that you cannot but read on, because waiting for you is a horrific reality that you pray is only fiction. And in this (hopefully) fictitious reality you will find truth and secrets you are not ready for.

On the surface the book relates an encounter between the author and a strange women who wants to tell her story. The woman, obviously disturbed, begins to recount to the author a story involving her and her friend Maddalena. The story takes place on October 13, 1972 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Readers might recognize this as a setting of other notorious paranormal occurrences. Quite literally, the woman tells of the time she met God – or gods in this case. However, these gods do not follow our common idea of what a god should be. These gods are the gods of old; the jealous, lustful rulers of a forgotten past. Maybe they are the “watchers” or the reptilian deities so many pages have been devoted to. The author doesn’t clarify this point but tells us that they are the “Master Species”, a race driven by lust and hunger. And to them, humans satisfy both desires. These monsters seduce our main character and her friend by appearing in a form that they would assuredly trust, gaining that trust until they show their true nature. This is when the horror begins.

The author spares no detail in relating what the woman told him. The monsters tortured and ate her friend while she was being raped. The author goes on to recount the years our main character spent in captivity living in a subterranean world with the beasts. He describes the society and habitat of these creatures and their true intentions. Reader beware: we are spared no savage detail. As the book ends, the author tells of his last encounter with the woman and finally we realize our own horrifying destiny.

Now we must examine what hides in the dark corners of this book. The author himelf commented that, “This book is about violation in every form. In an occult context – in a style that is part H.P. Lovecraft, part Octave Mirbeau, and part Marquis De Sade, it explores crime, depravity, and madness. Some who penetrate the darkness will find illumination; others will simply despise and judge.” Read this book for only the superficial story and you have missed it entirely. The author has hidden in the text occult philosophies that many have spent lifetimes trying to understand. I tell you to read this book with your eyes open to the mysteries that are hidden on every page. I will not spoil the quest that I am sure the author hopes we undertake, but I can tell you that in this book are hidden the secrets of some of the world’s greatest societies, ideas and truths of a forgotten time, tenets of religions long believed dead, and observations of our world many know but are afraid to face. A poet once wrote:

” I used to see forever.
My future was mine.
My ideas were powerful.
Fear and hatred changes all.
I gave a body to them
Their return was a corpse.
Promises that never spoke.
But give more, they ask.
More of my death, which they began.
Do they always empty your head?
What gods that came for love
Then killed for selfish lust.
Lust, that is what they had.
Humans, the food that satisfies the thankless gods.”

‘I highly recommend adding The Cannibal Within to your occult collection.
Place it on a shelf alongside Alcheishe Bruiloft van Christiaan Rozenkruis and read it in the same manner.’

The Dionysian Spirit


Sean Fitton

The Dionysian Spirit
Sean Fitton
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-65-7
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Ancient Greece/
Greek Mysteries/Myths/Magic/Paganism/Spirituality.

Click Here for The Dionysian Spirit / USA

Click here for Kindle UK edition

Click Here for The Dionysian Spirit / UK

Click here for the Kindle USA edition

Dionysos is an obscure Greek god of wine and theatre for many people. For others, he is so much more.

The Dionysian Spirit examines the essence of what Dionysos is all about, both as a deity and as a cultural and social force. It looks at the relation of Dionysos with his opposite number Apollo. The twin gifts of Apollo and Dionysos are ekstasis (ecstasy) and entheos (enthusiasm) and have informed and enlivened our lives and cultures from ancient times right to the present day and beyond.

The Dionysian Spirit – like the art of a good party – has always been with us and now, in many ways, we need it more than ever.

Contents: Devotional to Dionysos / The Visualisation / The Myths of Dionysos / Dionysian Heroes / Dionysos Around the World / Dionysos Across The Millenium / Dionysos Goes Forth

The Flying Sorcerer

Being the magical and aeronautical adventures of Francis Barrett, author of The Magus

Francis X. King

The Flying Sorcerer, Francis Barrett
Francis X. King
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 9781869928209
£15.00 / US$22.00
Subjects: Hermeticism/Biography/Magick/Occult.

Click HERE for the UK edition

Click HERE for USA & Elsewhere

The Flying Sorcerer is the only biography of an enigmatic 18th-century magus Francis Barrett, whose book The Magus or Celestial Intelligencer, laid the foundation of the current magical revival. He was the first author since the middle ages to compile a manual or ‘grimoire’ of magick. The Magus or Celestial Intelligencer is widely read and still capable of providing insight.

Francis King offers a fascinating picture of Francis Barrett, a man who lived on the frontier of technology, both in terms of the inner landscape and his pioneering experiments in balloon flight. It discusses his teachers, peers, and the subsequent progress of his disciples.

The Grammar Of Witchcraft

David Parry
(Poetry) (Fiction)

The Grammar of Witchcraft
David Parry
Format: Softcover
ISBN: ISBN 978-1906958-053
Subjects: Culture/Poetry/Fiction.

In this collection of poems and mini-sagas, Parry narrates the final journey taken by Caliban from a lesbian wedding in Liverpool, back to a London which doesn’t exist. Along the way, concepts of Saxon Witchcraft, Radical traditionalism and English ethnicity are discussed as the author unfolds his vision of an endlessly benevolent Spirit world.

The K-23

The highest function of Love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being. (Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume)

Ancient texts speak of the Jitterybug cult, an elusive sect that believed Pan never truly died. Their sacred scriptures tell of Kudra, a master perfumer, who created a fragrance known as K23—a perfume designed to conceal the unmistakable scent of Pan. Because, let’s be honest—Pan is the god of wild nature, herds, and flocks, and, well… let’s just say, goats are not known for their delicate fragrance. Especially the males. If you have ever visited a goat pen, you will understand why creating a perfume strong enough to mask Pan’s presence was no small task. Creating a perfume suitable for a god is a serious task—especially when the goal is to hide one of the most pungent and musky deities around. Kudra had to draw upon the rarest botanicals, the richest resins, and the most potent aromatics to weave a scent that could cloak Pan’s very essence. Was K23 simply a legend, or could it still be out there, hidden in the formulas of ancient perfumers?

Key Ingredients of the K23:

  • Beetroot Extract
  • Horny Goat Weed Extract
  • Leather Fragrance
  • White Musk Fragrance
  • Oud Fragrance
  • Amber Fragrance
  • Jasmine Sambac

These fragrances embody the primal, sensual essence of the god Pan:

  • Leather symbolizes flesh and blood, raw and untamed.
  • White Musk exudes earthy, animalistic sensuality, reminiscent of natural pheromones.
  • Oud, also known as agarwood, is derived from the resinous heartwood of the agar tree, found in the dense forests of Southeast Asia, India, and Bangladesh. A result of fungal infection, this rare and precious scent is extracted through distillation or melting of the resin. Its deep, enigmatic aroma mirrors Pan’s magnetic and untamed nature.
  • Amber is a ‘fantasy’ note in perfumery—a warm, powdery blend of natural and synthetic ingredients like vanilla, patchouli, labdanum, styrax, and benzoin. Just as Pan embodies the wildest dreams of Mother Nature, amber’s intoxicating sweetness evokes a sense of myth and mystery.

This unique blend captures the untamed, alluring spirit of Pan—earthy, carnal, and utterly irresistible.

USA $35.00

UK £25.00

*All oils in the Aromagick series are non-refundable and cannot be returned.

The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs


The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs
Matthew Levi Stevens
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-64-0
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Counter-Culture/Magic/Occult/Biography/American Underground.

Click HERE for The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs / UK

Click HERE for The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs / USA

Click here for Kindle UK Edition

Click here for Kindle USA Edition

“In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen. The dogma of science is that the will cannot possibly affect external forces, and I think that’s just ridiculous. It’s as bad as the church. My viewpoint is the exact contrary of the scientific viewpoint. I believe that if you run into somebody in the street it’s for a reason. Among primitive people they say that if someone was bitten by a snake he was murdered. I believe that.”
– William S. Burroughs

Fully revised and expanded from the limited edition chapbook that first appeared in 2012, The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs is the first ever in-depth consideration of the significance of Magic and the Occult in the Life & Work of the writer and counter-cultural icon.

In Literary Outlaw: The Life and Times of William S. Burroughs, his biographer Ted Morgan wrote:

‘As the single most important thing about Graham Greene was his viewpoint as a lapsed Catholic, the single most important thing about Burroughs was his belief in the magical universe. The same impulse that lead him to put out curses was, as he saw it, the source of his writing…’

‘To Burroughs behind everyday reality there was the reality of the spirit world, of psychic visitations, of curses, of possession and phantom beings…’

From the Introduction to The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs:

In talking about The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs I am really thinking of two things:

Firstly, and probably most obvious, is the material that appears in the output of Burroughs the Writer that can be seen as describing or referring to some magical, mystical or occult idea – Invocations of Elder Gods of Abominations, descriptions of Sex-Magick rituals, references to amulets, charms, ghosts, omens and spells – all the thematic set-dressing that we all know and love, from Hammer Horror Movies to Weird Tales, from H. P. Lovecraft to Dennis Wheatley and The X-Files…

Secondly, there is the personal interest and involvement of Burroughs the Man with belief systems and practices that come from those strange ‘Other’ territories that lay outside the bounds of either conventional mainstream religion or scientific materialism – explorations of L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology, Konstanin Raudive’s Electronic Voice Phenomena, Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone Accumulator; also partaking of the Vine-of-the-Soul with Amazonian shamans, attending the Rites of Pan in the Rif Mountains outside Morocco, participating in a Sweat-Lodge with Native American Indian medicine men – and, latterly, an engagement with that most Post-Modern of Occultisms, Chaos Magic.

The material considered has been distilled from archival sources, correspondence, interviews, and of course, published works. As well as his own personal contact with Burroughs and his lifelong study of the Man and his Work, the author also draws from a wide range of former associates – collaborators, friends, lovers, and students – including C. J. Bradbury Robinson, Michael Butterworth, David Conway, Phil Hine, Graham Masterton, Malcolm Mc Neill, and others.

As well as his own contact with the likes of Genesis P-Orridge, John Balance & Peter Christopherson of Coil, and writer Terry Wilson, back in 1980s London, he has also had unprecedented access to the papers of Cabell McLean, a young writer who was William’s companion, lover & student, c.1976-1983.

Sometime in the nineteen-seventies, following a reprint of my book, Magic: An Occult Primer, a letter was forwarded to me by my then publisher. Poorly typed and in an envelope which, unless my memory deceives me, bore no postage stamp, it came from William S. Burroughs. I still have it somewhere. In it the writer made plain his interest in magic. In real magic that is, not the smoke and mirrors kind.

Given that Burroughs’ tireless ambition was to encounter a reality beyond that accessible to our five senses, with magic perceived as an effective means to that end, it is remarkable that the subject has hitherto received but scant attention.

This work, by Matthew Levi Stevens, who must have encountered Burroughs at around the time he wrote to me, sets out to make up for that deficit. In it he chronicles the man’s interest and examines the part magic and occultism generally played both in his life and in his work.

Stevens sets about the task with gusto, indicative of his respect and, indeed, affection for “Uncle Bill”, as well as his familiarity with the topic itself. He draws on Burroughs’ own writings, and on those of the growing number of people, supporters and critics alike, who have commented on him and his literary output.

It is a job well done. And one that is all the more welcome because long overdue . . .

– David Conway, 2014.

The Octavo

A Sorcerer-Scientist’s Grimoire
Peter J. Carroll

The Octavo
A Sorcerer-Scientist’s Grimoire
Peter J. Carroll
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 9781906958176
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Chaos Magick

Click HERE for The Octavo / USA

Click HERE for The Octavo / UK

Click here for Kindle UK Edition

Click here for Kindle USA Edition

Every universe potentially has its own Supreme Grimoire containing the spells which define its reality and the magic which you can perform within that reality. In this Octavo we have assembled scattered secrets for a Supreme Grimoire for Roundworld, the universe in which you’re standing.

To this end we have taken some inspiration from Pratchett’s Discworld, and a lot from Theoretical Physics and Practical Chaos Magic.

The most original, and probably the most important, writer on Magick since Aleister Crowley.”
–  Robert Anton Wilson. Author of the Cosmic Trigger trilogy.

Review of The Octavo by Dave Lee
This is the second book Pete Carroll has brought out in the last two years, after a number of years’ silence. In 2008, there was ‘The Apophenion’, which was something of a departure towards an overall philosophical position, which we might call chaoism, as distinct from chaos magic. Now he presents us with a new synthesis that aims at a much closer marriage of scientific theory and magic than he, or, to my knowledge, anyone else, has attempted.

The first thing you’ll notice about this book (other than the excellent illustrations) is the subtitle. The reference will be lost on non-Pratchett experts like me; I’ve enjoyed a few of Pratchett’s books and found others a bit twee for my taste. (I have to admit, though, that he shows superb understanding of the thermodynamics of godhood in ‘Small Gods’, and a brilliant vision of the Other in ‘Lords and Ladies.’) Apparently, there’s an Octavo of Discworld spells, and it seems this volume is using the conceit that it’s the Roundworld equivalent in order to show how physics and magic can be combined in two very different universes.

The second thing you’ll notice is the physics. Publishers say that every equation in a book halves the readership, and there are a lot of them in The Octavo*. More, in fact, than in Liber Kaos, but they – at least the ones in the first few chapters – are of a very different kind.

The ‘Equations of Magic’ in Liber Kaos have always been problematic: they dealt in quantities which are not measurable, and probably never will be, like ‘degree of gnosis’ and ‘magical link’. So, they are not really equations, but things that look like equations; what they amount to, at best, is a mental checklist, a summary of what we know about magic so far. With a shorthand like that, all that matters is that it’s easily memorable, and the physico-mathematical symbolism does not help at all.

The equations in Octavo are very different. They are much more ambitious, genuinely cosmogonic in nature, and I suspect they have some very important things to say – to those who understand them rather more deeply than I do. I did get lost for much of chapters 2 and 3 (I only have maths to just short of A-level), but surfaced again at the start of Ch 4, where he compares Discworld and Roundworld physics, and comes out with some pretty profound stuff.

One of the things that’s particularly interesting about Carroll’s science is the way he attributes real physical – or aetheric / shadow-physical – reality to quantities that appear in the fundamental equations of physics. In Liber Kaos for instance the wavefunction in the Schroedinger equation is a measure of a real quantity in shadow-time, rather than a mere mathematical convenience, to be discarded as soon as possible in the course of calculations. No, Carroll finds a home for these misty, despised quantities, integrating them into a description of a magical universe. In The Octavo, he comments about quantum superposition, which is a concept we’re normally just supposed to get our heads round, that it actually has fine detail which makes it much more physically real – the alternative forms of the particle are kind of parked in sideways-time. For me, that is a distinct improvement on the usual way superposition is described.

This realistic use of mathematical entities recalls Galen Strawson’s ‘real materialism’**, as does this (p97):

‘A visualized or imagined event can have a similar effect on the imaginary time plane as the probability function of a material event, because it too constitutes a wave-particle event’.

In other words, ‘thoughts are as real as rocks’, to the real, Strawsonian materialist. Carroll also gives a physico-mathematical reality to Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields – they are the information contained in the virtual radiations emitted by everything all the time.

I do like the depiction of particles as closed universes (p23), and it’s satisfying to read Theories of Everything, but the problem for the mathematically sub-literate becomes: how can I distinguish the true ones? I’m not sure that Carroll’s doing away with the Big Bang (a dirty job, but someone had to do it) yields a truly more complete ToE than the current one: a steady state model of the universe comes no closer to explaining where everything comes from than the expanding-from-a-point one does, it simply makes it an unaskable question, which is not the same thing. His cosmological explanation of the red shift (the core mystery of cosmology) involves something like a new mechanism for Zwicky’s previously-rejected ‘tired light’ hypothesis, and I have asked a mathematical friend of mine how viable an explanation it is.

Some of my reservations about this book stem from Carroll’s over-willingness to form Laws. Right near the beginning of the book, he has concreted the ‘multiple selves’ model into one. The idea of selfhood as multiple arose out of a very postmodern milieu of thought about what we are, and has proved very useful to magicians. However, it does suffer from a vagueness at its core: it would be a good idea to clarify the difference between personalities and the moment-to-moment sense of selfhood. The former may be usefully thought of as multiple, but the sense of self is always and ever phenomenologically singular. I challenge anyone to describe how it can be sensed otherwise.

This excessive taste for laws surfaces again on p66, where Carroll attempts to prove that there is always ‘ an even number of selves’, with an argument I found so unconvincing I suspect the author is self-consciously preaching to the choir, knowing we’ll indulge him.

My main criticism of the book is that the ‘Equations of Magic’ reappear in Ch6. I’ve said above why they are not equations, but simply tally-sticks; they remind me of Frazer’s useless laws of magic, but with added algebra to put more people off. Has a magician ever told you they’ve helped him or her plan a working?

Their inclusion wouldn’t be such a bad thing if it wasn’t for the very high quality of arguments pursued using real equations in the cosmological parts of the book: to someone who hasn’t been following the maths very closely but can see how the EoMs cannot be real equations, they simply serve to cheapen the value of the other equations and arouse suspicion about their validity. And to use them to derive, via a complicated chain of reasoning, the conclusion that group magic is no more powerful than individual magic is pure tautology, because the only way anyone could get that conclusion would be by building it into the ‘Equation’ in question.

By the way, can we have a straw poll on this? My feeling is that group magic is immensely more effective for some kinds of enchantment.

The final complaint I have is a purely aesthetic one. Sure, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to replace the phrase ‘material base’ with something else, because we do talk about servitors quite a lot. But the term ‘groundsleve’, to my ear, is down in the flooded and odious basement of English, along with ‘staycation’ and ‘bromance’. (OK, I suppose that means I’ll have to come up with one myself.)

Back to a few final words of praise: One of the satisfying things about this book is the way Carroll fills out and brings up to date old ideas, some of which he has developed and used years before. Like the way the good old GPR gets completed into the GCR, a much more symbolically satisfying and complete thing.

Proper weight is given to the Apocalypse, and what wizards can do to help avert the collapse our stupidity has got us into.

I have to make a special mention of the llustrations. If there was an award for ‘best occult book graphics of the year’, then Matt Kaybrin’s would sweep it, with these bold, dark, unusual mixtures of traditional and cyber-art.

In the end, I would definitely recommend this book. It is important, maybe very important, and will stir some interesting thoughts even in the non-mathematically-inclined. Carroll’s basic attitude to mysteries is the only healthy one: not to try and banish them, like the Dawkinsian parascience bunch, or use them to obfuscate, like the religious do. He writes: ‘Mysteries should present challenges, not opportunities for dumb belief.’

*I showed the book to a mentally tough shaman I know, and as soon as he saw the equations, he declared he’d rather chew his leg off than try to understand them.

The Octavo is remarkable in the finest sense of the word: a great and indeed unique achievement, making a genuine physics of magic’.
– Professor Ronald Hutton

The Peacock’s Egg


Ron Wyman

The Peacock’s Egg
Ron Wyman
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-34-3
£15.00+p&p / US $23.00+p&p
Subjects: Alchemy/Magic/Occult.

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Get The Peacock’s Egg & The Black Toad for only $30.00 / £20.00

The Peacock’s Egg & The Black Toad Click Here for the UK offer

The Peacock’s Egg & The Black Toad Click Here for the USA & Rest offer

The Peacock’s Egg describes a transformation of the psyche. This is based in the alchemy in which an alchemical dream process is set into motion, acquiring highly resolute manifestation through phases of the opus. An intensive and lengthy occult praxis is entered in which dreams and dreaming practices are developed. Advanced levels of occult experience are attained in which ethereal energy becomes mastered, involving a purification. These attainments adhere to beliefs regarding this type of paranormal experience that include the author’s interest in the work of Carlos Castaneda. The intricacies of a crucial alchemical image are described—a Vision of the Peacock’s Egg, an accessible metaphysical anatomy. The spatiality of the rose garden, the alchemical death, and attainment of the lapis are then brought into the practice.

The Psychic Biker meets The Extreme Ghost Hunter

Paul Green & Stephen Lambert

The Psychic Biker meets The Extreme Ghost Hunter
Paul Green & Stephen Lambert
ISBN: 978-1-906958-20-6, 220pp                                                                         
US$24.00 / UK£15.00

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In Psychic Biker Meets Extreme Ghost Hunter, Paul Green and Stephen Lambert have undertaken the unenviable task of spending many days and nights searching for something, which, for the most of us, is not part of everyday life experience.

In this book they take a candid look at the world of ghost hunting and the paranormal industry. They also reveal their thoughts on ghosts and hauntings, as they seek to encounter the things most people would wish to run from.

All are extreme and often virgin locations. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they fail but they will tell it as it is. No frills, no airs and no lies.

Paul Green – The Psychic Biker, is possibly unique in the psychic world, a talented medium and psychic that was once an ardent sceptic. A hard-core biker that, on looks alone, should be placed on a door as a bouncer and not as an empathic psychic medium. Paul is opinionated, brutally honest and refreshing, or as he says “Attitude with Empathy”.

Stephen Lambert – Extreme Ghost Hunter, is a seasoned investigator of the paranormal. Stephen has spent a great deal of time at many locations alone on solo vigils. He is a firm believer in taking ghost hunting back to the basics, with a no nonesense outlook on seeking out the unexplained. Stephen is also a talented historian that likes to combine investigation with research.


The Return Of The Tetrad


Christopher McIntosh
(Occult Fiction)

The Return of The Tetrad
Christopher McIntosh
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-18-3
£9.99 / US$15.00
Subjects: Magical/Occult Fiction/Occult Thriller.

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Paul Cairns, the narrator of this story, is a young journalist with a penchant for the occult. Prompted by a mysterious recurring nightmare, he seeks the advice of Gilbert North, scholar, country squire and occultist, who leads him on an extraordinary series of adventures involving a quest for the Tetrad, four primal magical objects corresponding to the elements and the suits of the Tarot. Cairns’ life becomes full of weird and supernatural happenings in a great magical battle between dark and light. But in the world of Gilbert North things are not quite what they seem. Layers of reality and unreality are peeled away until the deeper meaning of the whole quest is revealed.

Herbie Brennan (Ireland) –

This review is from: The Return Of The Tetrad (Kindle Edition).

Christopher McIntosh’s `Return of the Tetrad` is that rarest of commodities, an intelligent, vivid, well-written and, above all, authentic occult thriller that grips like a man-trap and provides an ending at once surprising and ultimately satisfying. The McIntosh style is reminiscent of Colin Wilson’s early novels, presenting thought-provoking ideas and deep-rooted esoteric concepts in an easily-digestible form that never becomes either difficult or patronising. This is occult fiction as it should be, but seldom is.

McIntosh, himself an academic expert in the esoteric, has mastered the art of suspending reader disbelief until the time comes for revelations that are as convincing as they are unexpected. According to the author,the first draft of the work was completed 40 years ago and has undergone various rewrites and revisions ever since. The end result is worth the wait. I read this book with enormous enjoyment and no little admiration.

Highly recommended.

The Ritual Year in Ancient Egypt


Lunar & Solar Calendars and Liturgy
Mogg Morgan

The Ritual Year in Ancient Egypt
Lunar and Solar
Calendars and Liturgy
Mogg Morgan
ISBN: 9781906958138 (2011) 272pp
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Ancient Egypt/Egyptian Magick

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The very oldest Egyptian ritual calendar was lunar. The evidence for this is very complex and in the words of Professor Leo Depuydt, “does not exactly jump out at you!” This ancient lunar calendar continued a veiled existence alongside the dominant solar or civil year. Many details are lost so the project of this book is to bring together what has survived. Revealed here is a very ancient pantheon of gods, including Set, Min, & Hathor, one for each month of the lunar year. I have provided for them a unique collection of liturgy, rituals and prayers as may have been offered in the homes, sanctuaries and temples of original Egypt.

Many of these feasts of Ancient Egypt were celebrated on the phases of the moon – principally when it was new or full. So whatever your favorite god or goddess, make offerings on either of these days and you will be reviving an old and authentic form of the Ancient Egyptian magical religion.To complete the picture I present over several chapters all the technical details of the lunar month as well as its more well known civil replacement. Here you will find information on how certain key days were calculated when needed. These later chapters also provide related material on the mysteries of the Northern Constellations.

Finally, there are descriptions of the thirty lunar days of each month and lunar omens. So in total, this is the most complete and authoritative guide to the ritual wheel of the year at all stages of its use in the Ancient Egyptian magical religion.


The Three Realities

The Three Realities

Physical, Perceived, Represented

Xavier Bolot

ISBN 978-1-914153-03-07
£15.00 / $24.00
160pp paperback published 2021

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An understanding of the three realities (physical, perceived, and represented) enables us to make sense of concepts encountered in everyday life, in a negotiation, observing a physical phenomenon, a sports competition, biology, psychology or architecture.
Why is it that, in a cathedral, if we take notice, we can see curved pillars whereas we know that they have been built straight and that is taking a photo we can see another curve?

According to individuals, eras, civilizations, these three realities have co-existed in a balanced way or not, evolving at different rates.

What is happening at the present time?

What kind of reaction does postmodern man have, faced with antiquated institutions inherited from modernity: trade unions, political parties, fellowships, religions, academies, old schools? How can we account for absenteeism at elections, the disaffection of institutional arts, the development of tribes, huge drinks parties, raves, Hip Hop where we dance on our head?

This book involves us in a multiple and decompartmentalized approach to the world.

The Wanton Green
Edited by Gordon MacLellan
& Susan Cross

The Wanton Green
Edited by Gordon MacLellan & Susan Cross
Format: Softcover
£14.99 / US$23.00
Subjects: Contemporary Pagan Writings/Paganism/Spirituality.

Click Here for The Wanton Geen / USA

Click Here for The Wanton Green / UK

As our relationship with the world unravels and needs to take a new form, The Wanton Green presents a collection of inspiring, provoking and engaging essays by modern pagans about their own deep, passionate and wanton relationships with the Earth.

“Where do we locate the sacred? In a place, a meeting, memory, a momentary glimpse? The Wanton Green provides no easy answers and instead, offers a multitude of perspectives on how our relationships with the earth, the sacred, the world through which we move are forged and remade.” – Phil Hine.

About the editors:

Gordon MacLennan is a shaman, storyteller and artist whose work sets out to find ways of celebrating the relationships between people, place and wildlife. Gordon’s books include Talking to the Earth, Sacred Animals and Celebrating Nature (all with Capall Bann), StarMatter and the Piatkus Guide to Shamanism.

Susan Cross is a poet, heritage and environmental interpretation consultant and occasional pirate. About a decade ago she realised that she has probably always been some kind of animist mystic and since then has endeavoured to make that a more conscious, clearer and brighter part of her life.

The Wanton Green: Contemporary Pagan Writings On Place. Edited by Gordon MacLellan and Susan Cross (Mandrake). Since the 1970s modern forms of pagan witchcraft (Wicca) and the neo-pagan movement have defined themselves by an engagement and involvement with ecology, the environment and ‘green’ politics with their adherents claiming to be following a ‘nature religion’. This is a collection of essays on the genii loci, or ‘spirit of place’ in the natural world written by various Wiccans and neo-pagans including Shani Oates, Rufus Harrington, Emma Restall-Orr, Melissa Montgomery, Jan Fries, Julian Vayne, Barry Montgomery, Barry Paterson, Susan Greenwood, Mogg Morgan and others. The contents range from an experience of the faery folk in Devon to a psychogeographical guide to ‘occult London’. If you are interested in the non-traditional neo-pagan approach to nature and the environment then this book is recommended. – The Cauldron #144, May 2012.

Thunder Magic

Jason Read

Thunder Magic
Jason Read
ISBN: 9781906958954, 68pp
£15.00 / US $24.00

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Click HERE for the Kindle edition

For thousands of years in comparative isolation, the Chinese developed powerful systems of magic largely still unknown in the West. This series of books, perhaps for the first time in English, give a workable and practical introduction to Chinese magic and sorcery. In this book are the secrets of Thunder Magick, one of the most respected and feared of the many branches of Chinese sorcery. Thunder magic harnesses the yang forces of nature in a kind of yogic sadhana and use of spells and talismans. This compact volume shows you how. 

The mysteries of Chinese occultism have long been hidden from the West, largely due to the cultural and language barriers between us. Also because of the reluctance of the Chinese Masters to part with their knowledge. For this reason, we are producing this series of books to fill that gap in the knowledge of most western magicians. This knowledge comes from both oral and written sources that can only be found in Chinese communities. The author has travelled extensively in China and Malaysia and personally learned under several teachers from a school of practical magic known as Maoshan. Maoshan is a school of magic dealing with the interaction of the seen and unseen worlds, with a knowledge base dating back thousands of years to the time of the ancient shaman kings who ruled that area of China known as the Sichuan Plateau. Over many generations, the Maoshan school developed hundreds if not thousands of unique techniques to alleviate the challenges of life as well as to explore our spiritual nature and that of the cosmos. Maoshan, the school devoted to practical magic is unveiled in these books for the first time in the English language. We hope this opens a door to the mysterious world of the ancient Chinese sorcerers. Forthcoming volumes include Thunder Magic. Secrets of Chinese necromancy. Chinese love and sex magic and alchemy. Mysteries of Chinese Star magick. Chinese talismanic magick.

Reader Ryan Hampton Review:

Thunder Magick by Jason Read is a first of its kind translation. For anyone interested in the study of Taoist Nei Kung this is a very important read, and don’t let the length of this book fool you. For most, the subject of developing inner power and the dantian is often full of cryptic information and misunderstandings that have been strung together over the years, of people trying to understand this elusive subject. Jason Read is an amazing translator, that for the first time has come forward, with specific direct knowledge and instructions on the psycho-energetic dynamics, of what is occurring and is done on this subject that has been kept secret or only written cryptic for so long. Reading this book is your chance to leave the world of internet forums that are mostly full of half understanding people trying to capitalize on their limited knowledge. Jason is a translator of ancient Chinese which is basically a dead language. His information is accurate, specific and direct. The book does tend to lean more to the religious aspects of Taoism and covers information that I have seen very few in the English speaking world. The methods of Maoshan are similar to the closed-door methods of other Taoist lineages. Even if you are only interested in understanding the psycho-energetic dynamics of Taoist Nei Kung, this book covers that in detail and the religious principles of where these practices come from. Many have not been fortunate enough to have found someone qualified in this subject and have searched only to find partial information, that usually has cost people loss of time and money. This is a first opportunity to leave that all behind and finally learn the information that you have been looking for. This is just the beginning of Jasons works and I hope that they may be featured in Taoist conferences in the United States. I have yet to see any book written with the amount of detail and accurate information on this subject yet.

Tubelo’s Green Fire

Mythos, Ethos, Female, Male and Priestly Mysteries
of The Clan of Tubal Cain
Shani Oates

Tubelo’s Green Fire
Mythos, Ethos, Female, Male and Priestly Mysteries
of The Clan of Tubal Cain
Shani Oates
Format: Softcover
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Traditional Witchcraft.

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This book explores historical and contemporary ideas of witchcraft through the perspective of the Clan of Tubal Cain a closed Initiatory group aligned to the Shadow Mysteries within the Luciferian stream. As students of arte we mediate the ancestral stream, teaching through practice with the sacred tenets of Truth, Love and Beauty. The Word is thus manifest in deed and vision.

“A driving thirst for knowledge is the forerunner of wisdom. Knowledge is a state that all organic life posesses, wisdom is the reward of the spirit, gained in the search for knowledge. Truth is variable – what is true now, will not be true tomorrow, since the temporal truths are dependent upon ethics and social mores – therefore wisdom is possibly eternal Truth, untouched by man’s condition. So we must come to the heart of the People, a belief that is based upon Eternity, and not upon social needs or pressures – the ‘witch’ belief then is concerned with wisdom, our true name, then is the wise people and wisdom is our aim.”
– Robert Cochrane (1931-1966)

Contents: Mythopoesis / Goda, the Clan of Tubal Cain and Robert Cochrane/ Hekate, Dark Mistress of the Soul/ The Wisdom of Courtly Love/Dance of the Seven Veils/ / Hand of Fatima / Sila na gigh /Dia de los Muertos / Abbots Bromley, the Wild Hunt and Saint Nick / Summer and Winter Customs / The Wild Hunt / Green Knight, Dark God of Light / The Fisher King: Gnostic Priest of the High Mysteries of the Graal / The Divine Duellists / Why Cranes? An Exploration into their Mythic Significance in / Legend and Lore/ The Fruit of Wisdom / Musings on the Sacred / The Mystery Tradition / A Man for all Seasons / The Three Rings of the Compass / Traditional Enigma / The Alchemy of the Compass / What is an Initiation?

Tubelo’s Green Fire: Mythos, Ethos, Female, Male and Priestly Mysteries of The Clan of Tubal Cain. Shani Oates (Mandrake).
According to the cover this book ‘explores historical and contemporary ideas of witchcraft through the perspective of the Clan of Tubal Cain – a closed initiatory group aligned to the Shadow Mysteries within the Luciferian stream.’ It is a collection of the writings of the present Maid of the Clan as published in various magazines such as The Cauldron, The Hedgewytch, White Dragon, Pendragon, The Witches Wynd, and The New Wiccan over the last ten years. Subjects covered include the dark goddess Hecate; The Wisdom of Courtly Love; The Dance of The Seven Veils; The Hand of Fatima; Abbots Bromley, The Wild Hunt and Old Nick; The Fisher King; Gawain and The Green Knight; The Three Rings of The Compass; The Alchemy of The Compass; and What is Initiation? Recommended.
The Cauldron #137, August 2010.



Shamanism, Myth, Magick
Chris Allaun


Shamanism, Myth, Magick
Chris Allaun
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-76-3
£15.00 / US $24.00

USA Edition

UK edition

Click here for Kindle UK edition

Click here for Kindle USA edition

– Synopsis –
The Underworld has always been thought of as a place of darkness and despair. Even today there are many misconceptions about what the Underworld is and what awaits inside. We will learn how different cultures around the world viewed the Underworld and the afterlife. Some cultures have there own unique perspective, but surprisingly, cultures that had no communications with each other form across the world had similarities. Can this be a coincidence? Most importantly, we will learn how to journey there in the astral and map this incredible world. But be careful! Along with its many wonders and beauty, there are things that lurk in the dark that myths throughout the ages have warned us about. But for the Shaman or witch, are these warnings to keep us away or teach us how to commune with these ancient spirits and creatures?

As we journey deeper into the Underworld, we will discover places where the long-forgotten dead will rekindle our spirit and teach us the ways of magick. They have been waiting for us and have much to say. We only have to sit and listen to the wisdom of ancient times. We will also discover places of healing and rejuvenation. Places where ancient hags guard magick wells and the waters of life and death spring from a source so old, no one remembers where it came from. Along with these wonderful and beautiful places, there are places most dark and dreadful, the Hellworlds. These are the areas of the Underworld that test your spirit and what you thought was reality. You may never be the same, but you will be transformed, renewed, and more powerful.

The Underworld is strange and wondrous and cannot be contained. Sometimes, those spirits of the dead will not be bound in such a place and stay in the world of the living. The poor lost spirits stay with us for a variety of reasons. You will learn why the spirits of the dead are still here and how to help them journey to a place of rest. You never know, a spirit of the dead may be right behind you…

”Chris Allaun’s book, Underworld: Shamanism, Myth, and Magick is truly a masterpiece. Chris has thoughtfully taken a huge subject and separated it into readable and manageable sections and chapters. He clarifies –What is the Underworld? Who resides in the Underworld? Where is the Underworld? and Why does it exist?” — all questions that have fascinated mankind since the beginning of time. And Mr. Allaun gives the reader exercises to deal with the dark side of the underworld, practical ways to cope with exploring one’s own fears and terrors, along with ways to help others. He also includes an extensive bibliography, something very useful. From psychologists to ceremonial magicians to spirit workers, to people just trying to navigate today’s complex world, Underworld creates a clear path full of information and help, to guide us through these often troubling times. I highly recommend this book!”
– Janet Barres

Cover art/design Amanda Manesis

Chris Allaun: Author, Teacher, Medicine Man



Shamanism and Magick of the Celestial Realms
Chris Allaun

Upperworld: Shamanism and Magick of the Celestial Realms
Chris Allaun
ISBN: 978-1-906958-92-3
Format: Softcover
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Angels/Magick/Shamanism/Myths/Healing/Spirituality

Click HERE for Upperworld / UK 

Click HERE for Upperworld / USA and AUS

Click here for Kindle UK editionClick here for Kindle USA edition

The stars glow with their own special magick in the nighttime sky. For millions of years, the stars sent their light down to the earth. The same stars and planets we see today are the same bodies of light that ancient shamans saw around their campfires. Countless generations looked into the night sky and wondered about the magick above. It was the shamans who travelled in spirit to the Upperworlds to discover the secrets of the Universe. There are many ancient beings in the above worlds that can help us learn about the energies of the Universe and transform our lives for healing, power, and spiritual evolution.

As we journey into the Upperworlds, we will learn about the creation of the Universe and the energies that were formed from the first burst of energy and light. Shamans saw that these energies formed into powerful beings. Some called these beings angels, others called them ascended masters. Each of these beings has a divine purpose in the Universe and we will unravel these mysteries. We will learn to spirit travel into the many heavens from many different cultures. We will visit the heavens that were told to us in myths, as well as discover hidden parts of the Universe that await our arrival. We will also learn about the gods and goddesses and how to honour them in our daily magical practice. The gods are powerful and they can grant us many blessings. Through our magical practice with the night sky, we will use the magick of the stars and planets to transform our lives and the physical world around us.

“Like those before him, Christopher Allaun steals a little bit of the fire of heaven and shares it with his readers. While the underworld might be more in vogue these days, he tackles the rich lore of the heavens, and shares practical teachings that can be brought down to Earth for when you want to seek the stars.”
Christopher Penczak, Co-Founder of The Temple of Witchcraft and author of City Magick, The Witch’s Shield and The Mighty Dead.

“Chris Allaun’s new book, “Upperworld”, is a very interesting and informative read. Consistent with his previous work, Chris focuses on the myths, legends and spiritual teachings of an eclectic mix of cultures from around the world, giving insights into their ways of viewing the “higher” realms. Chris gives information on the Shamanic worldview and the place of the Upperworld within it, detailing techniques to access and explore its various realms. Drawing on diverse sources, he not only describes the denizens of the various realms of the gods, angels, stars, planets and kabbalistic worlds but gives practical information on how to make contact and interact with them. There are rites of worship, magic, devotion, astral projection and healing that not only give an insight into the practical working of pagan, Shamanic experience but enable the reader to experience these themselves and take their own journey along the Shamanic path. This is an accessible and approachable work, both for the newcomer to the subject and the more experienced practitioner alike; both will derive benefit from reading this book.”
Nigel G. Pearson, author of Treading the Mill: Workings of Traditional Witchcraft and The Devil’s Plantation: East Anglian Lore, Witchcraft, and Folk-Magick.

“Ancient shamans didn’t spend all their time journeying through the hazards of the underworld. They also took time to explore the heavens (or “Upperworld”), to learn the mysteries of creation, healing, and magick directly from the gods. It is refreshing, in this time when goetia is given so much focus, to see the author’s exploration of the concepts and spiritual beings of the celestial realms. Just as important, his focus upon lore, legend, and mythology in developing a true understanding of and shamanic relationship with these beings is vital, and often missed in modern Western occult texts.”
Aaron Leitch, author of Secrets of the Magical Grimoires: The Classical Texts of Magick Deciphered and The Essential Enochian Grimoire: An Introduction to Angelic Magick from Dr. John Dee to the Golden Dawn.

Check out Chris Allaun’s news, classes, workshops and other events-
Chris Allaun: Author, Teacher, Healer


Village Witch


Life as a village wisewoman in the wilds of West Cornwall
Cassandra Latham-Jones


Village Witch
Life as a village Wisewoman in the wilds of West Cornwall
Cassandra Latham-Jones
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-906958-23-7
£15.00 / US$24.00

Click HERE for UK edition

Click HERE for USA & AUS

Click here for Kindle UK edition

Click here for Kindle USA edition

Village Witch describes life as a Village Wisewoman in the wilds of West Cornwall. The first part of the book documents the tortuous and sometimes harrowing journey to achieve this unusual occupation. It is a tale that ultimately moves through surviving and into thriving. Cassandra’s past experiences directly inform her present practice and are intrinsic to being a wisewoman – she acquires wisdom from actively experiencing and observing the vagaries of life. As part of her work she travels around the country giving talks about her profession, and without exception is asked each time what brought her to become a village wisewoman. Many people want to hear about that journey and this is one of the reasons for deciding to write the book.

Following on from this, Cassandra tells of the practice of her craft, which includes many stories and observations regarding the day-to-day experiences of a traditional wisewoman including her personal approach to magic.

At present the market is flooded with ‘how-to-do’ books on witchcraft and associated themes. Almost without exception they inform in an authoritative way often including a cookbook of spells. There is far more to the Craft of the Wise than simply following someone else’s recipes for performing magic. It entails old-fashioned qualities such as hard work, discipline, dedication and commitment. This book differs in that it describes the ‘why’ as well as the ‘how’ and in that sense challenges the reader to question and explore their own experiences of the worlds magical.




Visual Magick

A Manual of Freestyle Shamanism
Jan Fries

Visual Magick
A Manual of Freestyle Shamanism
Jan Fries
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 1869928571
£15.00 / US$24.00
Subjects: Sigil Magick/Runes/Shamanism/Chaos Magick

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Suitable for all those inspired by such figures as Austin Spare and Aleister Crowley, and who feel the imperative to develop one’s own unique magick way. Visual Magick aims to build vision, imagination, and creative magick. It shows how magicians, witches, artists and therapists can improve visionary abilities, enhance imagination, activate the inner senses, and discover new modes of Trance awareness. The emphasis is on direct experience and the reader is asked to think, act, do, and enjoy as s/he wills.

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Visual Magick began as a small treatise on sigil Magick and automatic drawing circulated privately amongst members of the Maat network and is written for practising mind explorers of the unorthodox variety.
Review for Pentacle Magazine www.pentaclemagazine.org by Kate Hoolu

‘No matter what the medium, a talented priest can communicate … without preaching or didacticism. Art shows rather than tells. All great artists function as priests, whether they think of themselves as priests or not.’

If you are an eclectic magickian or shaman or have any interest in Austin Osman Spare, this is a book for you. Spare said, “All desire, whether for pleasure, knowledge, or power, that cannot find ‘natural’ expression, can by sigils and their formula find fulfilment from the subconscious”. This book is at least in part a modern view of the sigil magick that derives from AOS. But it is much, much more.

Fries has written on several subjects, including the Tao and Rune magick, but this work shows very good awareness and ability with Spare’s techniques, cross-fertilised with some of the more well-known methods of shamanism and his own innovations; hence the subheading.

Fries makes the important point that sigils can not only be designed by the operator (for whatever magickal purpose) but also RECEIVED from entities too… and in those cases, there is often a useful secret to be discovered within the sigil: “it should be noted that, while the sentience behind these sigils appears independent, their aesthetics are usually suited to the personality of the receiver. The best kind contains a blend of known and unknown…half-revealed and half-concealed”. This also stands as a beautifully short summary of perhaps what Aleister Crowley and the Book of the Law are about- obviously it is in AC’s writing style, but has so much more within… And Kenneth Grant’s work on the Tunnels of Set is supposedly largely based on received sigils.

Regardless of the occult debate about whether these received messages derive from a neurological or a non-human source, which is not within the scope of this review, it makes perfect sense for them to appear in this ‘mixed’ manner. If they were completely incomprehensible they would be ignored, and if they were completely ordinary and fully known already, then they would be un-remarkable and pass from consciousness as quickly as yesterday’s newspaper headlines. The half-unknown element makes them all the more tempting and interesting to the magickian, like a partly open door…

Avalanches of really good points are made by JF, which are eminently sensible, humorous and useful. Not for him is gibberish pontificating about very fine points of obscure theory; his stance is very much of the Chaos magician- ‘get off your ass, find what works, use it and keep trying new things and get out of your conditioned tunnel realities, rather than relying on dogmatic magickal techniques that often descend from book to book, unchanged and without ever being challenged. He makes the very important point that you must allow yourself to make mistakes, and perceive them like that, and not as something else that is kinder to one’s often bloated magickal self-view:

‘Failure’ is recognized as a threat to ego… the same ego that so happily pretends to have divine power and authority… and so the whole thing is usually considered a ‘challenge’ or ‘ordeal’ in such cases- anything rather than accept that one might be wrong” – Indeed: in magick, strange things happen, to the point where, as Ramsey Dukes has said (somewhere): “cock-up is the word of the Aeon”

As the title suggests, there is a distinct artistic bent to this work, but you don’t ever need to have sketched anything before to be able to join in with this stuff – it’s not the quality of what you produce, it’s the intent of the experiment: Fries encourages everyone to experiment with drawing sigils, automatic writing etc, but in all of this to take credit or debit for the works created (and the results of using the sigil magick method): “Frequently people need to insist on the ‘automatic’ origins of their creations (and behaviour) when they dare not assume responsibility for them. It’s so much safer to claim ‘I can’t draw but sometimes the spirit of Leonardo comes over me …’ as if that spirit has nothing better to do!… It’s always easier to blame some spiritual agency than to assume the responsibility of recognizing and developing one’s own talents”

Having dealt at length with visual methods, Fries then describes ”Chaos language”, a kind of glossolalia, which can be seen as a way of making auditory sigils with the voice. The book is worth the cover price just for this part. Awesome! Jan Fries:- add him to the growing list of ”people we like”. Superb, inspiring book.’ – KH
‘One of the best books on magick I have read in a long while.’Pagan News

‘A practical modern grimoire.’- The Cauldron

William Lilly: Magician, Astrologer & Adept


William Lilly,
Magician, Astrologer & Adept 
Peter Stockinger & Sue Ward

Foreword by David Conway

Format: Softcover, 252pp
ISBN: 978-1-906958-62-6

£14.99+p&p / US$26.00+p&p

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Born less than a year before the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603, William Lilly lived during one of the most turbulent times in English history. Like so many of his generation, he had to deal with the plague, was drawn into the madness of the English Civil War and was forced to take sides, and witnessed the regicide of King Charles I. Lilly lived in a time of enormous religious and social upheaval, but his astrology remained the outer expression of a magical world-view, based on hermetic and neo-Platonic principles and rooted in the 16th century.

This book provides the reader with a thorough introduction to the world of William Lilly, the famous 17th century astrologer and magician. It brings together transcripts of his autobiography and of some of his most important works. It also includes Peter Stockinger and Sue Ward’s Monster of Ingratitude, an investigative journey offering new insights into the notorious contention between Lilly and the astrologer John Gadbury. Amongst other valuable information, the book contains:

* The Life of William Lilly, Student in Astrology

* Monster of Ingratitude
This research contains brief biographies of Lilly and Gadbury. It shows how their enmity began, developed and ended, including details of the rather one-sided pamphlet war. An in-depth study of published material, timelines and bibliographic entries of all primary sources used are also included and provide the grounds for a different explanation from that commonly proposed.

”The Last Magician is a very worthwhile work. Although some parts are hard going for the non-specialist, others are of value to anyone with an interest in Enlightenment esotericism and seventeenth-century English history in general. — Clive Prince.”